chapter 2

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Although the path to our school is wide and open like a modern city road, I always choose to take the back road. It's a jungle pathway with humps and bumps, but it's lined with a beautiful flower bed that makes the journey all the more worthwhile.

I love mother earth's nature. It's so elegant and beautiful, especially when the morning sun rays touch the ground you will be in a different world. Those morning lights passing through the large dense trees make the whole jungle bright and awake, along with the sweet melody of singing birds. This is simply the best thing to experience.

Biking along the back road to school makes me feel fresh and happy. It's a chance to have some alone time before the school day begins. I'm always relieved when I reach the back gate before my sister Emma. It gives me a little extra time to collect my thoughts before the day's hustle and bustle begins.

I reluctantly parked my bike and headed towards my boring lecture. As I walked through the corridor, I suddenly heard the cracking voice of William and his gang. My brother Alan was with them, and I knew they must be bullying someone new. It was their regular routine. As I walked closer to them, I noticed a girl from behind who was their target.

I guess she must be a new girl in our school. This stupid Jerk and his group will never get tired of bullying. Bunch of Idiots..!

I knew I had to do something to help the girl, or else William and his gang would make her life miserable. Without hesitation, I changed my direction and walked towards her.

'Hey, what's going on?' I said while I marched towards them.

Then William, the jerk, slowly raised his head and shook it off with a smirk. I could tell he had recognized me.

'Nothing so important for a Tomboy like you.' William barks at me while others laugh.

'Do you always bark?' I said while staring at his eyes to ease off their laugh.

"I don't bark. I howl," William replied with pride. He knew I couldn't shift, and he took every opportunity to remind me of it.

"Shut up, you jackass jerk!" I shouted at him, feeling irritated as always about the non-shifting comment.

'Really? what can a tomboy like you do?' William says with a smile by making his group smirk.

"Well, have you forgotten so soon?" I taunted, trying to make him angry. "Poor jerk... he can't even keep up with his own memories."

My insult struck a nerve, and William and his group were instantly enraged. I could see his wolf on edge as my beloved brother shouted at me, trying to calm the situation.

'Roselina, get the hell out of here otherwise.' Alan says while I cut his sentences out.

'Otherwise, what Alan?' I challenged him, knowing it would make him furious.

A group of his team members tries to get up from their place while I yell at them by saying. 'I don't give a dam shit about your dog group. Just go and die somewhere else.'

William let out a loud growl, causing everyone to take a step back in fear.

"I'll get you, you little brat, when I..." William was speaking, but I cut him off again.

'I know when you become a stupid Alpha Jerk. You don't have to remind me of that.' I retorted, grabbing the new girl's hand and quickly making a run for it. We had to get out of their way.

I am sure they will get revenge on me for insulting their future Alpha.

I can't let my guard down. I don't want that new girl to get in trouble with them.

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