chapter 6

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I didn't hesitate for a second and followed the sound, assuming that some wild animal might be trapped and in need of help. I ran quickly towards the south, hoping to free the poor creature. But when I arrived at the scene, everything in front of me froze.

I did gasp in fear when I saw Ian's dad surrounded by three rogues.

Rogue wolves are always a threat to my pack, so when I saw them surrounding Ian's dad with killing intent in their eyes, I was terrified. Ian's dad was struggling to even stand up on his feet, and it was clear that he was in serious danger.

I couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not just because he was the gamma of our pack, but because he was like family to me. It broke my heart to see him in such a critical condition, and I was desperate to help him. But the next thing I did turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.

I stepped out of the bushes with nothing but a stick in my hand, ready to challenge those fully grown rogue wolves. Looking back, it was such a stupid idea. They all laughed at me, and I felt humiliated.

Ian's dad quickly looked at me and asked me to run away and inform the Alpha, as he was unable to mind-link them. He seemed weakened by a wolfsbane, a poison that the rogues always used to make their opponents suffer.

I tried to follow his instructions and run away, but the rogues quickly blocked my path. I was trapped, with nowhere to go. Fear started to creep into my mind as they closed in on me, ready to attack.

This is terrible...!!

As the rogues closed in on me, fear gripped me with such intensity that I could hardly think. I knew I shouldn't have been there in the first place. In an attempt to defend myself, I managed to dodge the first attack, but it was all in vain as another rogue appeared out of nowhere and pounced on me from behind. I was trapped, with no escape. The rogues came at me from both directions, their attacks merciless and brutal. I closed my eyes, screaming as loud as I could, while my body shook with terror. I felt certain that this was the end for me.

But then, to my surprise, I didn't feel any pain. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ian's dad lying on the ground, his body still. It hit me then - he had taken the attack meant for me and had sacrificed his life to save mine.

No please No..!

This couldn't be happening. He couldn't be dead. Ian's dad was the gamma of our pack. Why did he take the attack for me? I was meant to die, not him. I cried out loud over his lifeless body. It was all my fault. If I hadn't been so foolish, he would still be alive.

As I cried over Ian's dad's lifeless body, I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer. Suddenly, the rogues became alert and ran away. I saw my sister Emma behind the tree, but then other warriors from our pack arrived at the scene. They looked at me with concern and asked me what happened. I couldn't say anything as I was still in shock, but then I noticed that Emma was telling everyone that I killed Ian's dad.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing when I found out that my own sister, Emma, had spread a false rumour that I was the one who had killed Ian's dad. It was sickening to think that she would use such a tragic event for her own gain. I felt angry, hurt, and betrayed all at once.

I didn't want to argue with anyone, especially with Emma who had already spread lies about me. So, I stayed silent, knowing that it was also my fault that Ian's dad had been killed.

Everyone was asking me questions, but I couldn't find the strength to answer. I was still overwhelmed with grief, knowing that it was all my fault that Ian's dad had died.

Meanwhile, despite their efforts, they couldn't track any scent of the rogues, which led them to believe that Emma's claim was correct.

After Emma's false accusation, the whole pack turned against me and labelled me as Ian's dad's killer. Even my closest friends and family, like Alan, William, and Ian, distanced themselves from me. It was hard to bear their coldness, but I knew deep down that they were right. I blamed myself for what happened and couldn't forgive myself for being so foolish.

I felt helpless seeing Ian's pain and the damage that my mistake caused. I wanted to make things right, but it seemed like there was nothing I could do to change the situation. I decided to give him some space and time to heal, hoping that one day he would be ready to talk to me again.

I couldn't understand why my own sister would spread such false rumours and tarnish my reputation in the pack. It hurt me deeply that she would do something like that to me, especially during such a difficult time. Despite everything, I still loved her and hoped that one day she would realize the gravity of her actions and apologize.

She was my beloved sister, whom I have always strived to protect. However, I am at a loss as to what could have caused her to turn against me. Her reaction and deceit have left me feeling confused and hurt. Sadly, since that day, she has been filled with animosity towards me, which is both painful and difficult to comprehend.

Regardless, I am fully aware that deep within my heart, there will come a time when I must apologize to Ian. I owe him a sincere plea for forgiveness since it was my actions that led to the untimely demise of his father.

End of Flashback

Lost in thought, I was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the clock striking midnight. As the chimes echoed through the air, I couldn't help but feel envious of William, who I knew cherished this time. For me, however, it was a painful reminder that this was one of my lowest points.

As I looked out towards the jungle, I caught sight of a group of bunnies hopping towards the garden. Their adorable presence brought a smile to my face, reminding me of the simple beauty of nature. Although I wouldn't consider myself a gardening enthusiast, there is something about the flow of nature that refreshes my mood and brings me joy.

As I immersed myself in the beautiful scenery before me, I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

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