chapter 5

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With that, I heard my sister's voice: 'I can't believe Alpha William will finally find his mate on his 18th birthday.' Emma always had an interest in the romantic aspects of werewolf culture, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her comment. I didn't really care about the Alpha's mate, nor did I believe in the idea of a predestined soulmate.

'My princess looks so excited.' dad finally breaks his silence.

'Yes daddy, I am so excited to be his mate. I need to look beautiful.' Emma says.

'Don't worry, sis. You are the most beautiful, magnificent, and prettiest she-wolf in our pack.

Trust me.' Alan says.

'Thanks, bro, but you better tell me the truth.' Emma says.

'Of course,' Alan says while Emma jumps in happiness.

Seriously, their conversation is so amusing. It's funny how childish Emma can be and the things she says," I thought to myself, trying to stifle a giggle.

'We need to move on, or else we will get late.' dad says.

With that, everyone walked out of the house and towards the party, hoping for a good time.

'Roselina, are you not coming with us, sweetie?' mom says standing on the front door when she realizes that I wasn't following them.

'No, mom. I am waiting for my friend Julie. I will come with her.' I said.

'You better not get late.' mom says, and with that they all left for the party.

I was waiting for Julie when Colin called my phone.

'Hey, Collin.' I said.

'Hey Rose, where are you both?' he says.

'I am at my home waiting for Julie.' I said with my lazy voice.

'Wait. What? You are still at home?' He responds as if he's experiencing a panic attack due to my reply.

'Such a drama king' I replied.

'Am I?' He says.

'Then who?' I said.

'I got palpitation' he said teasingly, his voice full of dramas.

'Breathe boy, we will be there in 20 mins.' I replied.

'Well, Better be on time.' he said and ends the conversation.

Right as I was about to call Julie, she showed up at my front door. Ugh, this girl is always running behind schedule. We're definitely going to be late.

'I am here.' Julie yells.

'You are late.' I replied.

'Well, guess. It takes time for my make up. You know, girly stuffs.' She replies with a wink.

'Better don't do it.' I said.

'You won't know it unless you try it.' She says.

Just then, her gaze fell upon my jeans and t-shirt, and her expression suddenly shifted from joy to sorrow.

'WTH, Rosey, what are you wearing?' she says.

'Of course, clothes. Now hurry up. Colin is ready to come down hard on us if we're late.' I said.

'Whatever' she says.

'I am serious.' I replied.

'Nope, you are not going with this Jeans and T-shirt.' Julie says in her commanding voice.

'Well. Yes, I am,' I said.

'No, you are not, unless you want me to kill you,' she says.

'Come on Julie, you know how I am?' I spoke.

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