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Auroras POV

Bella and I are sitting on the same hospital bed, I've already been checked on so I'm fine but Bella's get her blood pressure done. "Bella, Rory." Dad says as he storms in, looking relieved. He was walks past Tyler's bed, "You and I are gonna talk" He point to him, he then turns to us "Are you Alright?" He asks, "Yeah, we're fine" I say, "I'm sorry Ro and Bella, I panicked and I tried to stop." Tyler apologises again, "We know, it's okay" I say to him, sending him a small smile, starting to get annoyed at his persistent apologiesing. "No, its sure as hell not okay," Dad says, "Dad, it wasn't his fault." Bella says, "You two could've been killed, you understand that?" He says, "Yes, but we weren't so.." she says, Dad then turns to Tyler, "You can kiss your license goodbye" he says, then suddenly a door opens. "I heard the chiefs daughters where here" I blonde male doctor walks in. "Oh, Doctor Cullen" Dad says, "Charlie" the Doctor says, walking past him and giving him a pat on the back. "I've got this one Jackie" he says, taking the clipboard. "Aurora and Isabella" He says, "Bella" Bella corrects, "You've already been checked have you?" He asks me, I nod my head and fold my hands on my lap, swinging my legs slightly. "Well Bella, it looks like you took quite a spill" he says to my sister, putting his pen in the clipboard and grabbing a small flash light from his pocket "how do you feel?" He asks. "Good" Bella says, "look here" he says while holding his finger up and turning on the torch, point it in Bella's eyes. "You might experience post-traumatic stress but your vitals look good, no signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine" he says, "I'm so sorry girls, I reall-" Tyler says but is cut off by me closing the curtain before dad could, rolling my eyes a little. "You know it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there, same with Jasper." Bella suddenly says. I look up from my lap to see her and Doctor Cullen looking at me, I slowly nod my head, not really wanting to be in this conversation. "Edward? Jasper? Your boys?" Dad asks Doctor Cullen, who nods his head. "It was amazing, they got to us so fast. They were no where near us." Bella says, "it sounds like you two were very lucky then" Doctor Cullen says, looking between Bella and I. I only nod my head, wishing this was over. "Charlie" Doctor Cullen says, motioning dad to follow him to get the papers signed. We all walk out of the door, waiting for the receptionist. "You should probably call your mom" dad says. Both me and Bella look at him in shock, "did you tell her?" Bella asks, he only shrugs his shoulders. "Oh my god, she probably freaking out." I say as Bella pulls out her phone. She grabs my hand and leads us down the hallway, but then stops and suddenly leans back, "what?" I ask looking around the corner only to see Edward, Jasper, Rosalie and Doctor Cullen looking at me. "Oh" is All I say. Rosalie then starts to walk towards me and grabs my arm gently before dragging me outside with Jasper, probably to let Edward and Bella talk. "How are you feeling?" She asks me as I sit on the rail. "Fine" I say then look up to Jasper who's looking at me in concern. "Thank you by the way, if it wasn't for you I would've been dead meat." I say, a small smile appearing on my face at my own joke. Jasper and Rosalie share a knowing look, smirking at each other. "Your welcome ma'am" he says, a southern drawl in his accent. "I'll leave you two alone" Rosalie says, quickly hugging me and leaving. "Are you sure your alright? You took quite the spill back there" Jasper says. I look up at him and smile, he used the same words as his father. "Yea, I'm fine. I'll have to call my mother soon so she'll probably force me to stay home for the next few days" I say laughing. Jasper laughs a little too, "Well, that's what mothers do" he says. I laugh louder this time but am suddenly cut of by Edward forcefully opening the door to where Jasper and I were. "You're leaving now" he says, almost growling. He stares at me with annoyance that send fear through my body. "Y-Yea okay" I say quietly as I jump down from the rail and duck past Edward. I walk into the hallway to see Bella there in shock and disbelief. "C-can we go home?" I ask quietly. Bella looks down at me before wrapping her arm across my shoulder, "Yea, Come on" She says, leading me away.


It's 2 in the morning, and I sit quietly on my bed. Music plays softly in the background while I have art supplies scattered around me. And while I sit in my pyjamas,

Little Swan: Jasper Hale x OC [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora