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Auroras POV

I stand at the kitchen sink, numbly washing the dishes as Bella's long hoodie covers my body. It's been a few hours since she's left and dad passed out on the couch, so I decided to fill in the time so I won't be left with memories. I lazily wipe the sponge over the plate before placing in the drying rack, looking down in the reflecting I notice my red eyes and black bags, But I also notice it's getting light outside. I look up into the window across from the woods were I see the blonde man from the nightmare I had, my breath hitches as I wipe my hands dry and rub my eyes before looking back up and seeing nothing. I calm down before turning around and bumping into a rather had chest. I look up and see him, his piercing red eyes stand out even more in person. My heart beat picks up as I take a step back. "Oh come on now, a little human like you could never run away from me" He taunts, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me roughly against the sink. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming in pain as my back hits the metal. "You'll be good bait" he says, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. We suddenly start moving at an inhuman speed and because of this motion I feel myself getting light headed, fading in and out of consciousness before getting engulfed into darkness completely.


I groan in pain as I lift my head up from its awkward position on my shoulder. I open my eyes to see I'm tied up, my feet and knees together at the front, my arms behind my back and a piece of tape on my mouth. My heart picks up as I look around this oddly familiar room/closet. The door suddenly opens and in walks blondie. "Let's make a quick phone call, why don't we?" He tells me, pulling out a phone and pacing around me before crouching behind my back, his fingers trace my hands. Tears spill my eyes as my hear thumps out of my chest. "Forks high school doesn't protect its students privacy very well," He says to the person the other side of the phone, my shoulders move up and down at a fast pace, my breathing become ragged as he traces his hands up my arms and back down to my hands again. "It was just to easy for Victoria to find your previous address, plus your sweet little sister here isn't very good a defending herself" he continues, and at that point I realise he's talking to Bella. I sob through the tape loud, trying to get Bella's attention. "Don't touch her! D-don't-" Bella begins but is cut off by my cry of pain as the man starts to bend one of my fingers back, almost breaking it. "You can still save her, but you're gonna have to get away from your 'friends'. Handle that" he says, it's quiet for a few seconds other than my fast breathing before Bella answers, "where should I meet you?" The guy ponders for a moment as a joke before smirking, "how about your old ballet studio? And I'll know if you bring anyone along. Poor Rory will pay the price for that mistake." He lets go of my hands before standing up and crushing the phone. He turns and smirks at me before ripping the tape of my mouth. "Well aren't you a pretty little thing?" He says, tilting his head to the side. My lips quiver in fear as he gets closer. I lean back as far as I can, trying to get distance between us. He lifts his hand and brushes it along my face. "It won't be long until Bella gets here," he begins, rubbing his thumb against my check creepily, "until then you're just gonna have to sit tight, and-" he leans behind me before completely pulling my finger out of its socket. I scream as the overwhelming feeling of pain and fear fill my body, making it impossible to breath, "you'll just have to endure the pain" he hisses before standing up and walking out. I sit in silence for what felt like hours as it gets darker, my fear never leaving me as my pain turns my hand and arm numb. I stare out into space while my body shakes as I sob, 'What is he? He's definitely not human and that scares me' I finally hear the door to this place open and the familiar voice, "Ro?" I hear Bella call out. "Bella!!" I cry, desperately wanting out of here. Her footsteps are fast approaching as she flings the doors open and looks down at me, "Oh My God! Aurora!" She says, kneeling down and untying me, being careful with my hands. As soon as I'm free Bella pulls me up and into a hug,

"I'm sorry," She whispers in my ear as I squeeze my eyes closed. "I'm so so sorry I did that to you" she kisses my forehead and suddenly pulls back, "well, isn't that cute?" The guy says from behind Bella. She flings around and puts her arm in front of me as I hold my broken finger. He grabs Bella's shoulder and shoves her against the wall, trapping my behind her. "To make things more entertaining, I'm going to film our time in here. I borrowed this from your house, I hope you don't mind" he says, pulling out the camera mom used to always film Bella and I with. "And.... Action!" He says, flipping it open and starting to film. "I hope this breaks Edwards little heart." Bella looks at him defensively, "Edward has nothing to do with this!" She shouts, before getting pulled away from me and into the wall completely. "He does! Oh oh, his rage will make this a more interesting sport! And is futile attempt to rescue you!" He says, laughing. "and lets continue." His hand bringing the camera up to mine and Bella's face, looking at me than at Bella again.

Bella fumbles for a moment before I realise she has her pepper spray in her hand. She sprays him in the eyes before grabbing my non-injured hand and pulling me along with her to the exit, but the guy had other plans. He lands in front of us, grabbing Bella and throwing her to the side. "Bella!" I scream, going to run to her but the guy puts an iron grip on my arm and yanks me backwards, throwing me to the ground. The wind gets knocked out of my body before I roll over and see him at Bella, everything he's saying is fuzzy because I smacked my head quiet hard. I put my forearms on the ground and lift my upper body up, getting to my knees. As soon as I'm fully up right I grab my head and sway a little before turning to the guy, who crushes Bella's leg under him. "Bella!" I yell, trying to run to her but the guys in front of me in under a second, a sick smile on his face. "You have no idea what I am, do you?" He grabs me by my hair and throws me into a mirror, causing it to smash and fall on me, making me bleed even more. I groan in pain as he flips me over and sniffs at the blood from my arm, opening his mouth to take a bite but he's thrown off of me. I slump my head on the ground, crying out in pain as a shard of glass digs into my side. I look over and see Edward fighting the guy with non-human strength, flipping him over and moving fast than light. He pushes the guy off of him before looking at me.

Edward runs to my bleeding body before I shake my head, "go to Bella" I manage to get out. He looks at me with pain before getting up and running to my sister. My vision starts to get blurry and my hearing fuzzy as I manage to make out a thud, Glass shattering as screams and groans fill the room before a different figure appears on top of me, "Ro! Aurora?! It's me, it's jasper!" He says, my vision focusing on him. I groan and close my eyes, swinging my head back as the pain becomes unbearable. "It's okay, we're going to get out of this fine" he says, more like trying to convince himself rather than me. "Jasper!" I hear somebody else say as another body appears, their long blonde hair very noticeable. I open my eyes fully to see Rosalie above me as well, looking shocked and scared. "It hurts!" I cry out as tears stream down my face. "She's losing to much blood. Carlisle!" Rose calls out, trying to get his attention. A hand lands on my cheek as I look up to jasper, who moved so Carlisle could sit down. "We need to take her to the emergency room but we need to stop this bleeding. Rosalie, hand me your scarf." He says, putting pressure on my side wound, making me cry in pain. "It's fine" I hear jasper say as more tears fill my eyes. I look up at him before black dots fill my eyes, "Carlisle! She's losing consciousness!" He yells before I black out.

Little Swan: Jasper Hale x OC [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz