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Aurora POV

I wake up to voices mumbling and whispering. Keeping at a low level so they won't wake me. I groan and try to open my eyes. Keyword: Try. The light blinds me, and my hand does nothing to stop it. I groan and look away, squeezing my eyes shut before they flutter open. I look around and see my mom and dad in the same room together, a sleeping Jasper in the corner. "Oh thank goodness you're alright" is the first thing my mom says to me as she sees me awake. She and dad come running over to both sides of the bed, my dad grabbing my hand and my mom rubbing my cheek. I gently lean into her hand, and small smile on my face. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt? You shouldn't have gone after your sister! Do you know ho-" "Mom!" I stop her, knowing full well what's about to happen. "I'm fine, really. I now know not to go after Bella if she does anything reckless even though it's a sisters natural instinct, blah blah blah" Mom gives me a pointed look as dad smirks, "she's right Renée" he begins, "It's natural for her to go after her sister, they've always been glued together by the hip. But it's not her fault Bella fell through the window, dragging her along too" He turns to me and gives me a gentle smile, squeezing my hand, telling me he's on my side. "Thanks dad" I whisper, turning back to mom. "Well, that does make sense. Sorry sweetie, I just got so worried about you! When Bella was calling and when your dad called I just felt sick to the stomach. That's why you're moving back to Jacksonville with me!" She says cheerfully, giving me a huge smile while mine drops. "I don't want to go to Jacksonville , mom. I like it here in forks, I want to stay" I tell her, being stubborn. "Told you she'd take it lightly." Dad says, joining into the conversation. "But why? In Jacksonville they have such a good music school you can go to-" she tries again but I just shake my head. "I told you mom I like it here in forks. It's small, there's no drama. It's not as big and open as Phoenix and I've always told you that's how I like it" I convince her, folding my arms over my stomach, not losing this fight. "Okay, okay. You can stay. On one condition." She says, placing her hands on the rail of my bed. My smile grows as I nod my head, telling her to continue. "You call my once a week. And don't try 'my phones dead' stuff with me. If it is then use the landline." She says, giving me hard eyes. I blush a little and nod my head, knowing all to well I've pulled that trick on her before. "Well, your sister woke up a few hours ago and I was suppose to be getting her food, so I'll bring you back some as well" Dad says, kissing my forehead and leaving. Mom turns to me smiles a little. "I need to use the restroom, I'll be back soon. Oh! And that Jasper guy hasn't left here at all since you've arrived. Anything going on between you two?" She asks, a small smirk on her face. "No, no. We're just friends" I says, giggling. "That's what they all say!" Mom calls over her shoulder as she walks out. "Mom!" I whine and laugh at the same time. I turn to Jasper, who has his eyes open and a smirk on his face. "So.." he beings walking towards the bed. "Please don't ask" I say, referring to what me and my mom had just said. "I wasn't going to" He surrenders, lifting his hands in the air. We both laugh a little before it gets quiet again. "What was he?" I quietly ask Jasper, who looks down at the bed. "Who?" He asks, but I just give him the look. "Don't play dumb Jasper. That blonde guy" I speak in a low voice, not wanting to be caught talking about this. "A-Aurora, Carlisle said to talk about when we get back to forks. There we'll explain everything" he says, grabbing my hand. "Yea, okay" I say, yawning a little."You just woke up, and now you're tired again?" Jasper laughs, sliding into the small hospital bed with me. I laugh and cuddle up with him, "Yeah, I guess I am." I close my eyes as I rest my head on his chest, slowly falling back asleep.


I got let out of the hospital a few days later on the condition I stay bed rested for a while and take it easy, no sports or anything. I was excited to leave, not really caring about the No sports thing because that meant I could go home and actually watch descent movies instead of crappy infomercials or Spanish tv. I lay on the couch downstairs in an upright position, my back against the arm rest and my legs sprawled out on the cushions. Playing on the T.V was Star Wars, The Phantom Menace. Don't come for me, I actually enjoy Sci-Fi fantasies and older movies. Bella had come by and laid a blanket across me, the itchy green material surprisingly keeping me warm, before passing me a bowl of macaroni and cheese. She said she was going to Edwards, like always. About 30minutes after she left there was a knock on the door and I got up to answer it, not really surprised to see Jasper there. "Hey" I say, stepping back and letting him in. "Why are you up? I thought the doctor told you to stay bed rested?" He asks me, raising a concerned eyebrow at me. I shrug before turning around and heading back to the worn-out brown couch. "I am, I've been watching movies all day and just started the Star Wars trilogy, care to join?" I gently sit down and wrap my blanket back around me, looking over at him as he takes off his shoes, which is weird. "Yea, sure" He says gently, coming and sitting beside me. I pick my bowl back up and start to eat again, eyes focused on Luke Skywalker.

"Hey Ro, Wanna come back to mine after the movie? I think my family and I have a lot of explaining to do." Jasper suddenly asks after about 10 minutes of silence, looking away from the movie that he had seen about a thousand times from pure boredom. "Yea, Yea Okay. It might clear some things up" I look at him, seeing his eyes glued on mine and it's nearly impossible to stop the hitch forming in my throat. "Okay" He says, slinging his arm over my shoulder and pulling me into his cold body.

"Just promise me that you'll have an open mind about things"

"I promise"


I seen endgame and that shit fucked me up.

Little Swan: Jasper Hale x OC [1]Where stories live. Discover now