Bonus Chapter 1

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Young Orion's POVI laid in the foreign bed, sheets pulled up to my chin, staring into the darkness

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Young Orion's POV
I laid in the foreign bed, sheets pulled up to my chin, staring into the darkness. I tried not to shake but this whole place gave me a weird feeling. As much as I hated it, I knew I was scared. Alphas weren't supposed to get scared, I was supposed to be brave, like my dad.

Yet, here in the dark abbess, I had to bit my lip when it started to quiver. What I really wanted to do most was call out to mom, I didn't want dad to se me like this, even though he would say it was okay. I knew that mom would come running and comfort me. She would hear up milk, give me a few cookies, and tell me a bedtime story until I fell asleep again.

I couldn't help but feel like this, especially in this pack. Most of the time, I enjoyed when dad had to go different packs. There would be a bunch of kids to play with and the people were really nice. Not here, though.

I didn't see a single kid to play with here. All the men looked sick and would glare at me if I looked at them. On top of that, everyone here smelled funny, everyone smelled wrong and it burned my nose. Keeping my mouth shut, I knew that mom would scold me if I said anything about it.

A creak echoed through the house would had me pulling the covers over my head. Regretfully, I let out a whimper and I felt a tear glide down my cheek. I laid there, shivering, squeezing my eyes shut. Even though I was a strong, brave, heroic, young alpha, I was still scared of the creepy monsters that could be hiding in the dark.

Another creak sounded and another whimper left my mouth. I knew that the scary monster had heard me and I knew it was only a matter of time before it grabbed me. Taking a big breathe, I gathered up my courage before throwing the blankets off of me. Dashing out the door, I about tripped over one of my toys, before slamming the door shut behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and let a big grin grow on my chubby cheeks. I trapped the monster in the room and now he couldn't get me.

Wanting cookies as a reward and comfort from mom, I made my way down the stairs and towards the living room. It was then I heard dad ask mom if she was okay. Did the monster somehow get out and get mom too?

Scared, I peaked around the wall and found myself looking a tiny blonde girl. Sticking my whole head out, I watched as she cowered into the couch, purple bruises scattered all over her skin. I cringed when I saw the blood lathered all over her skin and torn clothing. Even here I could see her shivering from the cold.

She was the first kid that I had seen here. She was different than the rest of them. Instead of smelling like garbage, she smelled sweet, like flowers and sugar. I got excited. There was finally a kid that I could play with here.

I saw mom re-enter the room and I darted back behind the wall. Walking around the house, I made my way to the room that dad was working in. I didn't want to be disappointed that I was scared of the monster but I think that he would be proud that I trapped it. Plus, mom was busy right now.

"Hey, buddy. What are you doing out of bed?" He asked as I opened the door. He stood up from his chair and made his way over to me, picking me up off the ground.

"There was a monster in my room."

"Oh really? What did this monster do?"

"I trapped him!" I grinned and he laughed back.

"Why did we go and see this monster and I'll give him a piece of my mind hmmm?" He tickled me and I giggled. Carrying me back upstairs, he opened the door to my room and looked around.

"I don't see a monster in here, buddy. You probably scared him off." He said as he tucked me back into bed.

Before he left I called out to him." Hey dad?" I watched as he paused at the door and turned to me. "Do you think the monster hurt that girl?"

"I don't think so." He said and rubbed his face. "I think a different kind of monster did that."

"Oh." I muttered. "Well can you give her my cookies then? I think she needs them more than I do."

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