2: Conflict of interest

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(16 years later)

It's three hours until landing. And I'm still estimating my near future...

I predict one of hour bypassing customs and airport security. Another hour of strenuous conversation with the Japanese government officials and more hours of dealing with traffic throughout Tokyo, checking into our accommodation and emailing many many reports.

Join the Bureau they said...it'll be fun they said... I think I'm going to be an insomniac by the end of all this.

A yawn escapes my lips, I settle my arms on the armrests and reach out in a quick stretch. Jet lag is the worst feeling ever. as a correspondent I should have predicted the amount of travel this involved, the waiting was so time consuming I estimated I've spent 115 hours of my life on a plane so far.

"Miss (L/N)..." my eyes rose to the seat across from mine. I straighten myself out seeing that it was the president.

"Oh...Apologies Sir, My mind was somewhere else." I flatten down my (h/c) hair and fix my blazer in embarrassment. I heard the man chuckle.

"No need to apologise my dear, we all look our worst when we're restless." The man held a thin smile. I returned one and observed him for a second. His blue jacket strewn over the other seat, leaving him with clothed in a recently ironed ivory button down, a thick red silken tie and the other half of his blue suited attire. A laptop on his thighs, the blue light glowing in his face and igniting his blonde hair. "We are almost there, I was hoping for us to run through the latest reports with you."

Ever since a suspicious wave of deaths rose in Japan, the president, and all the other world leaders have began acting erratically and yet some what enthused. Nothing yet is definitely known about the phenomenon, other than the population of those killed all have one thing in common. They were all ruthless criminals.

A specific targeted population. All dying by heart attacks. Natural cause. Suspicious victims. A murder case unlike any other.

The politicians are worried. My mind wants to tell me they are worried for the right reasons. But I know all too well of what they try to hide under the surface.

"There has been quite a few peculiar developments. the NPA have begun creating an investigation policy, which was interesting. Considering the little amount of information they have about the case already. I'd thought they'd at least try to plan things out first. So it makes me wonder what kinda of dirt  everyone else has."

My eyes widen at his words. I've never heard Mr President speak like this. My eyes glance to an empty vodka glass upon the sink. The hostess washing a shot glass in the kitchen area. I sigh seeing his personal assistant asleep further up the jet, she's going to have to explain why he couldn't keep his wives promise on no alcohol.

But I couldn't blame him. He was stressed. This case got everyone scratching their heads and my own personal interest piqued. What confused me funnily enough is that the president, even though intoxicated, had spoken with confidence in his words, and the slight slurring didn't trip him up.

"When we sent our delegates to the ICPO, they had come beck with some quite peculiar information..." the president clicked around on his laptop, before settling into his chair.

An audio clip played.
"Greetings to everyone at the ICPO. I am L."


My predictions were somewhat right. In my estimated 6 hours of finally settling into the japan. But, unlike before. I didn't feel the weight of time slowly dragging by. It quickened...took off like a lightning bolt, and time took me apart to think over and over of that chilling audio.

"I am L"

"I am L"

Could it really be the L I used to know? Well...Not know...I was told he saved my life.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, frustrated that I didn't know the answers. Out of the corner of my eye the shadows protruding from the bed side lamp and swirled together. And then took on the form of a creepily familiar face.

"I am yet to understand this concept of being tired. But the way you display the symptoms makes me feel as if it is an eternal sickness."

She lurched over the bed, and stared out the window, which gave a terrific view of Tokyo.

"Hello to you too Rem."

There was a long time no see feeling between the two of us. I sighed, releasing all my pent up stress.

"You are probably going to see more sleepless, horrific nights like this if you keep hanging around me."

Rem never really stuck around for long, when she was around, was whenever another shinigami was around. I had always drawn the likes of spirits, and Rem was there to guide me somewhat.

"I came to you with a thought, these killings could be the work of...what you call...the supernatural. I wouldn't be too surprised if it was a spirit having too much fun." I pondered in her words for a moment, and then sat up on the bed, my eyes wondered over to hers, they didn't look at me back.

"What's the real reason you came to me?"

Rem faces me, her jaw tightened. And then, she seemed to give out a silent sigh. "I think I understand the tiredness you experience. I sought out a fortune from a medium concerning you and your involvement here in Japan."

I look to her. "I know what you are going to say. I know. I'm glad you went to ask about my future. But the thing is Rem... I want to be human. I want to feel human. Humans don't know what to expect in their lives, we try to open ourselves to new experiences. I respect that you are trying to move me in the right direction. But try to understand that I'd like to just accept everything I may experience."

I was answered with silence. Rem, if only she could understand my struggle. I'm stuck in between two worlds that tell me different things, I just want to be human. And know human things.

"Young (Y/N) forgive me, but if you lived your life by fates hands, you would be dead."

And with that she was gone.

Hi this gonna be a long af story so buckle up or some shit idk vote and stuff k thanks bye yeet

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