5: Greetings

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We entered the room, and there, numerous staff greeted the president with respectful bows as they escorted us further. The president still held his smile as if he was a plastic doll. His cheeks must have been hurting by now. Luckily, it was no loud and crowded press rush we experienced earlier, I was glad I could at least see genuine respect for the staff this time. Reminded of his noticeable eyebrow twitch was the key teller of his annoyance. 

I translated where I could here and there, but it seems as if their English was good enough to make basic conversation. I smiled at how eagerly the staff showed off their language skills, a faint reminder of an earlier version of myself finding my love and ease for learning languages.

"Wo ai ni. Je t'aime. Ya lyublyu tebya...Do you know what they all mean mother? They mean I love you!"

I found myself slightly trailing behind in my memories as the president seemed confident enough in conversation, the earlier conversation had confirmed my suspicions of foul play and ulterior motives. until seeing the president from afar still playing with that stiff lovable persona...I have only just know thought about my role in all of this. I was essentially helping the president seek to cover up whatever he was hiding concerning the Kira case. And...Did I really have the right to refuse? I certainly felt in no position to do so. hopefully what turns out is that i learn nothing a mere translator shouldn't know.

I had noticed Mary close to my side, seemingly in a state of her own thoughts. She held her lips together and released, a habit of stress. Mary's eyes faltered ever so slightly since appearing here, and if it be my unnatural language skills or pure intuition I knew something was on her mind.

"Mary." I whispered. Once hearing me, it seemed as if she made a beeline for the task force agents who were yet to be greeted by the president, she promptly introduced herself. the behaviour was odd to say the least. 

"Ah, Miss (L/N). Please return to me my lovely translator." The president laughed to his counterparts as it seemed to them like I had wondered off. I returned with a smile, thin and acting in on the president's game. Residing by his side where the unnatural friendliness between us seemed to strike a cord with the Japanese officials and responded with comments of praise when they took in his demeanor of jest in such a tough situation.

"Mr President says; You have to find the joy in the small things at times like these, but also, I am very confident that the Japanese government will do their very best to get down to the bottom of this."

The officials departed slowly as one of the taskforce agents started conversing with the president, signaling it was time for the attention given to this situation to die down. and then promptly, the room was left with the taskforce. A tall moustached man had bowed slightly before The president and I. He held kind light brown eyes behind square rimless glasses and welcomed us with a professional aura which was a great relief and brought a sense of reality to the situation.

"Yagami Soichiro; thank you for honouring our humble investigation with your presence." As  affirmed his words, The president held out a gentlemanly handshake, which still held a hint of fake playfulness.

I don't think that acting is going work on this man Mr president

"Of course. It's a pleasure to meet the brave souls working on this most strange and discomforting phenomenon." Mr Yagami took a step to the side after returning the handshake and gestured to the rest of the taskforce. The four other men gathered around a work desk with piles of paper and numerous folders not in great organisation, they waited to attention and bowed as Mr President shook their hand one by one.

"It's good to meet you all. your work will do your country proud. But..."  Mr president eyed the investigators carefully. "You all seem so keen in the face of danger. I do not mean to pry on your personal choices, I'm more curious on the confidence you all portray seeing as this killer is taking more lives each day..." The four men looked to me rather than the president as I translated the words, almost as if they questioned if that's what he really said. Investigator Mogi shuffled into Mr Presidents view. "I feel our confidence resides with the great sense of cooperation all the different national and international agencies are offering. Including yourself." One of the other investigators looked to him with praise.

Mr President fakes a laugh and bows his head to Mogi. "Thank you for your kind words. I cannot help but feel worried for the hard working detectives like yourselves...You may already know we lost quite a number of FBI agents to the killer..."


My heart dropped at Mr President's words. I looked to him to see if he will explain further but he ignored me and continued speaking for me to translate

"This 'Kira' is not going after criminals anymore, but good agents and people who do their countries service. I sincerely hope you each take into account your own personal safety..."

What is this...

I thought over Mr President's words again...The deaths of the agents, why had he not spoken to me about this? Then I realised something and felt hot blood running through my veins.

He didn't want me to know so I could agree to help him...bastard.

The sensation of my gut sinking had reeled myself out of reality, and a playground of dangerous thoughts jumped around with the thought of Kira and his extraordinary killing abilities. Now, he has the willingness to kill good people.

He wants to kill agents like me.

"Also" Mr President announced and sent me back into reality "Isn't the famous detective 'L' supposed to be here, working alongside you?" The question had gained nothing but silence from the five men, I found myself pondering the question too.

Why would Mr President refer to L as being here physically...he knows he never reveals himself to anyone...

Mr Yagami stepped forward, and eyed me and Mr President carefully, then an unexpected smile formed on his lips.

"Ha ha. He's with us in spirit." The man looked nice with a smile, although it seemed very off-putting considering the tense atmosphere. "We keep in regular contact with him, sharing our insights and so forth. He has been a great help to us so far." For a second one of the investigators, Matsuda, had glanced towards the side with a cautiousness in his eyes. As I translated further conversation. I found myself following his jolting gaze where I saw a door that I guessed must have lead to an office compartment.

He was looking towards the door...

"Alright, it's time for me to head over to the Embassy. Duty calls." Mr president held his hand firm on my shoulder. "Before I leave...May I introduce (Y/N) (L/N). not only is she my translator but also a top class ranking agent who finds special investigations like this are, well, her speciality so to speak." All eyes turned to me and I slightly bow with the unexpected attention.  Mr President leans forward, his eyes once powerful were going softer, his acting taking place once more. "I'd like to offer on her behalf to help you with the investigation, not that I do not trust yourselves to do well, but as she is another person willing and capable to work hard on the Kira case I do not see why it's a bad idea at all. As you said Detective Mogi, cooperation helps brings out confidence."

what bullshit.

Mr Yagami smiles once more, this time more confidently and looks to me. "We would be honoured with the cooperation, but right now we do have a lot on our plate and such an offer has come to us so quickly, we will think about it in the meantime once we check in with 'L'"

Mr President opened his mouth, but no words came out. He swallowed and tried again. "Sounds good to me."


(aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. my brain melting. thanks for the hundred reads ya beautiful people)

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