6: The student

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(A/N: President Ono is not a cannon character btw)

It had been two days since the brief meeting at the ICPO, it was only a small interaction, but those moments became stuck in my thoughts and have been in a constant replay ever since. My mind begun filling every spare space of thought and every ounce of brain power to theorise and begin to comprehend the situations I've got myself into. It was almost unconsciously done, my brain automatically set in a deductive motion. the automatic mindset was engraved into my functioning by those at the M.G.E.A.O. they called it a gift, I know it as a curse.

There seemed to be no escape from Kira and the political chaos he brought with him.

Whilst dealing with Mr President's official business in the Embassy, The Japanese President Mr Ono had visited in time for a press conference to address the relations and further projects Japan and The US will work on together. It was all a bunch of fluff to disguise the struggle behind the Kira case, and it worked to a point. Many out of respect to Mr President's arrival shyed away from asking about the case, some other hard hitting reporters who acted on questioning Mr President's arrival to Japan in the matter of the Kira case were given disrespectful glances and went back to wanting to hear Mr President talk about how he's having such a great time in Japan.

I secretly praised the journalists for asking the questions everyone is wanting to know the answers to. But unfortunately people tend to be more reserved in this country, and even with the Kira case stoking fear, they would convince themselves and others through the articles they wrote that things weren't as chaotic as they were.

And so the media essentially acted like that to a gossip network, focusing on what suits the presidents wore together and pinpointing out 'funny moments' which were nothing but menial instances where Mr President would pretend to be culture shocked. I found myself that I had become the target of gossip, and soon it seemed like half the people in Tokyo knew my name. To say I didn't enjoy the attention though would be a lie. Living my whole life in the shadows as an agent did elude me into that sense of invisibility and loneliness. Luckily these people only knew me for a translator.

At the end yesterday. Mr President had what seemed to be out of respect, Called for me to take a day off. I grew suspicious of his intentions behind the too-generous break. But maybe Mr President who clearly is hiding ulterior motives behind this whole trip, actually had a genuine sense of care for those he worked with. If I hadn't of seen the demure expression, his eyes soft, chin tilted to the floor and prominence of his lips tightening. I would have guessed he would have given me the break to do some of my own research into the task force, order me to do recon on the ICPO or something along those lines. but no, it was a softness, a vulnerability I had glimpsed when we talked in the elevator. 

It was so oddly genuine, I knew it had to be out of care.

"You're having the day off, you've been overworking yourself and I don't want to see you feeling down. So do what you like for the day, get some rest."

As I overthink his words it makes me chuckle in absurdity. 

Crazy old man must be off his meds.

I had found myself a comfortable little cafe which was close to ICPO, I figured once I had finished taking a short break I should at least find myself getting started on the investigation. Even if it was for the sake of Mr President and I, It would also be nice to work with those on the task force.

I ordered a (drink of choice) and a plate of lemon slice, with cream that had been made to look like a cute little cartoon dog. It was cute, and it distracted me from what else was going on in my life. I took in the calming atmosphere of the little cafe, soft guitar tunes playing throughout the shop, Today the sun shone through the clouds, as I sipped my drink by the window the rays warmed the bare skin on my cheeks, a nice feeling considering the cold I very much disliked. 

-Paused- The past is the past (Death note L x reader x light)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu