Chapter 1- In University

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Long and fair fingers were typing furiously on the computer's motherboard. Tensed lines marred their owner's features as her gaze was flickering toward the clock which was showing 8.30 pm. Seeing the time, panic settled on her face and she gulped a water bottle. Taking a deep sigh and stretching her fingers, she leaned forward and started typing more furiously. 

At that moment, a woman entered the bedroom. Some of her hair was white and some wrinkles were also present on her face.

"Saba, are you doing your assignment or freelancing work? " She asked the girl who was typing.

"Client's work, Mama! I have to deliver a 2500-word long article by midnight." The girl said while typing. 

"And, what about the university's assignment?" 

" Sir Sahir's assignment is also due at midnight. Uff!! I have no time! " Again gulping water, she sped up her typing. 

"Okay now stop it, and let's have dinner. I have set the dining table." Mrs Saima said while grabbing her arm at which Saba's eyes were rounded. 

"Mama! I have no time! I will have dinner after completing my tasks!" Saba protested but Mrs Saima didn't give importance to it. 

Being a desi mother, her life revolved around cooking, cleaning, feeding her offspring and taking care of her relatives. For her, these things were the priority and all other things in the world were secondary. 

Stuffing dinner into her mouth, Saba's gaze remained on the wall clock which was showing 8.45 pm. Taking the last bite, she rushed toward her computer. 


It was a study room whose walls were covered with bookshelves. And, in the name of furniture, only a mahogany table and office chair were present. On the table, there was a laptop in the center with piles of paper and books on both sides of it. Instantly, the door opened and Sahir entered with a cup of coffee in his hands. Placing it near the laptop and taking some papers, he switched on the laptop. Sipping his coffee, he gave a glance at the papers from which he had to make presentation slides for his lecture. Papers were his notes which he had compiled from different books and research papers for his students. 

Before starting PowerPoint, he opened Google Classroom where his students were supposed to submit their assignments. 

It was 12.10 and all assignments were submitted except for one student. 

Narrowing his eyes, he checked the list to find out that Saba hadn't submitted the assignment. A disapproving frown etched on his face, and he decided to give a warning email to her tomorrow morning. 

He had created certain rules and regulations which made him popular in university. He believed in giving two warning emails to his students which only remained in between them. But in case of a third violation, he gave a detention period to his students.

And, Saba was going to have her second warning email of this semester. 


"We are going to discuss Geoffery Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Do any of you have an idea about it? "

A lecture was going on in one of the classrooms of a Private University in Islamabad. Undergraduate students of English Language and Literature were sitting on the chairs and gazing at their teacher who was standing on the dais. 

"Sir, it is in poetry form and Geoffery Chaucer wrote it to criticize different aspects of society". Saba swiftly replied to him. 

"Yes. Thank you, Saba!" Sahir said to her with a smile at which she shyly smiled. She was unable to handle compliments. 

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