Chapter 7-False Accusation

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"Uff! Why is he not responding to me?" Asma was sitting on the sofa in the lobby while the mobile was in her hand. She was murmuring something while typing on her mobile.

She was sitting on the right side of the lobby and the bridal room was on the left corner. The lobby was deserted as the main event was in the inner hall.

After typing, she put the mobile in her lap. Instantly, her gaze fell on the Bridal room door where a guest and waiter were standing. The waiter was saying something to the man guest at which he nodded his head and went into the room while the waiter remained outside.

After a few seconds, another waiter called the waiter at which he nodded his head, gazed at the door, and reluctantly left his spot.

Asma got bored there so she decided to go inside the hall. As soon as she stood, she saw Saba going into the bridal room. She went into the room and closed the door behind her.

Twenty-one-year-old Asma was standing there, but at the next moment, the scene changed and she turned into an eleven-year-old girl.

"Asma, Saba is your cousin. Right?" 

It was a scene in the classroom where some teenage girls were sitting on the chairs. An eleven-year-old girl was standing on the chair with a lowered gaze while her teacher was standing near her with a stern expression.

"Yes, ma'am," She murmured.

"Then do learn something for her. Ask her to give you tuition. She has scored 95 percent and you have only got 75 percent."

The teacher said to her while throwing the result card toward her. Tears swam in her eyes.

The scene dissolved into a bedroom scene where a young and old female was sitting.

"Today when I went to Akram's house, I saw Saba was signing a checkbook. Akram told me she had started an online job and had earned a lot of money from it. She has become an entrepreneur."

Asma's mother was telling her while massaging oil on her head. Instantly, her young sister came into the room.

"She is earning money and my sister just keeps on eating and getting fat." She taunted, at which Asma's eyes widened.

"Behave yourself, Lizard!" She shrieked.

"Now, don't start quarreling!" Their mother scolded them.

"Saba is perfect!"

"She can achieve everything!"

"Learn from Saba!"

These words were echoed in her ears while gazing at the closed door with hatred and envy. Her hands turned into fists and pain rippled into her orbs.

In a few moments, that hate, pain, and envy were going to give a route to evil.


 When Sahir came out of the washroom, he saw a girl standing in the bridal room. Dark black hair was lying on her back and she was humming a tune while standing in front of a full wall mirror.

Sahir stared at the hair for a second and stepped forward, coming into the range of the mirror. Now, the girl could see his reflection in the mirror and he could gaze at her face.

Both sets of orbs widened and shock settled on their faces. 

Saba and Sahir were gazing at each other from the reflection of the mirror. 

Sahir was seeing her hair for the first time as they were always covered in a hijab

Saba was just standing and staring at him with wide eyes and a numb mind. She even forgot that her hijab was in her hand not on her head.

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