Chapter 10- Nikkah (Part 1)

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Clouds had camouflaged the moon behind it, preventing it from seeing the pale and shocked face of Saba.

Since her father's announcement, she was sitting in her bedroom, father's words echoing in her ears while mind was numb from thinking anything.

The door was slightly knocked and creaked open, revealing Mr. Akram.


She turned toward the door to find him taking slow steps toward her.

Her expressions remained spot on as the mind was still unable to decipher anything.

"I know what you are thinking, my daughter." He said while sitting near her on the bed and put a hand on her head.

"This all is difficult" she whispered while Mr. Akram listened.

"I know, my daughter. But, life is unfair. This world is unfair. Our lives are incomplete because this is not meant to be forever." Mr. Akram said and put her head on his chest.

"Baba, he is my teacher."

"Saba, he is my friend's son. And, we are in an unusual situation. We have to make unusual decisions in it." Mr. Akram said while patting her head.

"Does he know?"

"His parents have asked for your proposal. Of course, they have told him."

With this, Sahir's furious expressions and insults flashed in front of her orbs, and fear gripped her heart.

"It is a suitable proposal. I have full trust in Sikandar and his son. I am so glad they ask for your hand. All my worries have gone away." Mr. Akram was saying, and she was listening to him while chewing her lips.

"If you are happy, I am also happy." She murmured, giving herself to the decisions of fate.

"My daughter! I am so happy today." Mr. Akram gave a perk on her forehead and a smile adorned her face.

But, fears were rippling in her orbs.


"Sahir, come to our room." He listened to his father's instruction on Whatsapp voice message and went toward the room.

"Yes, Mom and Dad." He said and sat near them on bed.

"Congratulations! Akram has accepted our proposal. You and Saba are officially engaged now."

His orbs widened and heart skipped a beat. Deep down, he was expecting that Saba would reject the proposal.

"On Saturday, we all are going to decide Nikkah's date. Akram want it soon. I told him you need two to three months for your career. So, we have postponed Rukhsati." Mr. Sikandar was casually giving him news, ignoring his shocked and bitter state.

"Thank you for this privilege." He said bitterly, at which Mr. Sikandar nodded his head and kept his gaze on the television screen.

Sahir stood from his place and went out of the room with spot expressions. As soon as the door was shut, anxiety morphed on Sikandar's expressions.

"I am really worried for him now. We are going to have a daring decision, Amna."

"Don't worry, Sikandar. He is mature now, and will never hurt any person without any reason. Soon, he will accept Saba and will be content with her." Amna said at which he hummed, while his mind was a hodgepodge of thoughts.

On the other corner of the house, Sahir was standing on the threshold of his terrace, gazing at the dark clouds in the sky.

Instantly, a female face emerged on clouds which had a soft smile on her pink lips.

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