Chapter 3-Detention!

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Saba murmured before knocking on the door of Sahir's office. 

"Come In! " A loud voice came from the other side, telling her a furious Sahir is there. 

She opened the door and stepped into the office. Being in a male office, she couldn't close the door, meaning that her other teachers in the area could listen to her insult. 

"Assalam o Alaikum, Sir! " She salam with a nervous smile. 

There was a paper in Sahir's hands and he was staring at it with spot expressions.

"Walaikum Assalam. Now tell me what is this?" He averted his orbs from paper and glared at her. 

"I forgot to prepare for your test." She murmured but Sahir's furious expressions caused her to zip her mouth. 

"Why? Is this irrelevant for you?" His voice was calm, but anger was rippling in his face. 

"I'm extremely sorry. " She apologized and lowered her orbs. Taking a deep sigh, Sahir tried to calm his nerves. 

"Please have a seat, Saba." His expressions were also calm now. 

She sat on a sofa which was present in front of his power chair. 

"Why are you unable to perform? Is there any issue? " He asked. 

"Time management is an issue." She replied and looked toward him. He raised his eyebrow as if questioning her. 

"I have started freelancing and am unable to manage my studies and time." She said with helplessness at which Sahir nodded his head. 

A common issue of freelancers!

"First of all, congratulations on starting freelancing. In which field are you working and have you started earning?" He leaned forward and asked with a smile. 

Saba's lips also curved into a smile and tensed expressions got relaxed. 

"My field is content writing and social media management, and I have got six orders." 

Happiness dances in her orbs while telling him about her success. Sharing your success with the one you respect is the world's precious moment, and Saba was bathing in its glory. 

"I'm glad, Saba! Congratulations again. No doubt, freelancing needs your time and energy, and managing your time can get handy at times. But it doesn't mean that you should not try to manage your tasks and time"

"But it is a tough thing to do! " Frustration and helplessness crept into her nerves. 

"Entrepreneurs have to face hardships to become successful businessmen. If you do not come out of your comfort zone, you will never achieve anything in your life. Anything! Mark my words! " He emphasized these words.

"I am trying but everything seems to fall apart. My focus keeps on getting divided and diverting, making it difficult for me to grow." Sahir saw a pout settling on her face at which a smile stretched on his lips which he swiftly masked. 

"It is only a phase, Saba. Fight with it. Let me tell you a bitter reality of our society." 

Saba's eyebrows raised and her expressions got alert. 

"Being a girl, you have to learn time management if you want to be a successful businesswoman. Our society has unrealistic expectations from females, and most of the time, girls are bound to meet those expectations. I hope you have understood the message." 

Love starts after Nikkah Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora