Chapter 16-Planning Of Honeymoon

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Sahir was sitting in the hall of the house while Saba was in the room, taking off her jewelry. They have recently come back from the reception. Sahir deliberately remained in the hall with his parents while Saba excused herself to change her clothes. 

After getting rid of jewelry and heavy dress, she opened the lock of the door, and laid on the couch with a blanket covering her body and head. 

After a few minutes, Sahir came into the room. She could hear him locking the door and moving around the room in her blanket. 

Don't know why but her heart started getting heavy and tears welled up in her orbs. Rolling around, she shut her eyes and tried to go into slumber. 

After changing his clothes, Sahir sat on the bed, opened his Business Whatsapp to check the messages and rolled away the mobile. 

He laid on the bed and tried to sleep but it remained away from his orbs. After trying for half an hour, he sat in his place with frustrated expressions. 

The whole situation was making him upset, and the presence of Saba in the room was cracking his nerves. 

At last, he thought of writing his novel to avert his focus to anything else.

Opening his laptop in his study, he randomly wrote some scenes and lines in his notepad. 

The patriot who gave up his life for the sake of truth was going to be the victim of canceled culture. All was set up and some random issue was going to be discussed in the media and social media. People's attention was going to be averted from the martyrdom of a patriot and soon they are going to be engulfed in a new discussion. This is how politics work! 

His fingers were typing furiously as inspiration was hitting him. Whole world's issues melted away, and his passion stood in front of him. Next hour was given to the novel. 


"Sahir! " Mr. Sikandar called out his name when the whole family was having tea in the lawn. Saba's and Sahir's attention averted toward them. 

"I have booked a table for both of you in the five-star hotel. You both are going outside for dinner today." Mr. Sikandar announced with a smile on his face. 

But, their eyes rounded and hearts skipped a beat. 

"Dad, what is the need of it?" Sahir said in a bit of a protesting tone while trying to keep a smile on his face. 

"Yes Dad, I want to spend time with both of you," Saba also added with a smile.

"My child! I want both of you to spend time with each other. You both have the right to enjoy your life. And this is a small gift from me" Mr. Sikandar said, at which they both glanced at each other's faces. 

Saba was getting anxious while Sahir was fearing that someone would see them in the hotel. 


This time Saba became more careful. While she was getting ready, she properly locked the door of the dressing room. 

Someone knocked on the door. Saba set her hijab hurriedly and then opened the door. Mrs. Amna was there while Sahir was also standing beside him. 

"Saba, Which dress are you going to wear?" Mom asked her, at which she told her that she hadn't decided yet. 

"This! Wear this Saba! " Mom checked her wardrobe and gave her a dress which she accepted with a smile. 


Ride to the restaurant was silent. They both were in their worlds of thoughts and anxieties. When they reached the restaurant, Sahir asked the waiter about their booking. 

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