chapter 6

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Soft padding of Skye's fluffy shoes made little to no noise while she cautiously made her way down the stairs towards kitchen.

It was morning time and mixed chattering of people and maids and servants passing here and there confirmed that the day had already started long ago and preparation of the breakfast of on its peak.

That was the reason Skye was going to the kitchen to fetch breakfast for lady Joanna who had to tend little gathering of royal ladies right after breakfast.

Skye gripped her white gown in both of her hands to pull it up her ankles so that she could walk little faster when she bumped into someone making her turn on sideways by the impact.

A girl with Auburn hair and almond eyes looked back at her grinning guiltily which instantly made skye smile back waving off the encounter that they both just had. That girl's eyes softened and she bowed a little before hurrying off to the other side not caring about her white gown flailing everywhere she went.

"Such a bubbly girl, isn't she?" An elderly voice cut the track of her thoughts bringing her back into the reality.

Skye turned around and saw a middle aged woman standing by the kitchen door and smiling at her with her gaze fixed on Skye.

It took her a moment to process what the lady was talking about.

"Oh yeah," Skye smiled glancing back where there were no signs of girl anymore, "a nice girl indeed." Skye replied softly.

" She is such a kind soul. Reminds me of my daughter who passed away two years back by plague." Lady who was in maid's uniform expressed to Skye and her eyebrows knitted together while her eyes seemed lost and distant while looking at something far away.

Skye felt like her ma was talking to her. She must have been this much sad without her daughter, in bed going through illness. In the beginning she used to visit Skye every weekend but then her visits reduced to one or two in month when her health started to fall gradually, finally making her stay glued to bed all day long.

Skye's eyes moistened at the thought of her ma and at the moment, lady in front of her radiated all the pain, her ma must be going through.

A dead daughter and a distant daughter were same.

"I can understand," Skye took couple of steps towards the lady and put her hand on lady's shoulder,"what you must have been going through all this time is something I can relate to." Her voice filled up in the end and she didn't prolonged her sentence.

"Oh dear, may I know what caused you this much sadness?" Lady placed her palm on Skye's cheek with her eyes examining Skye with concern.

Skye heaved a sigh and smiled at the fate,"it's just that you remind me of my ma." She exclaimed inaudibly but lady heard that nonetheless.

"Oh I'm sorry. I hope her soul lives in peace,"lady consoled her and her eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets due to the misunderstanding,"I'm here to take care of you. Won't like to let your ma roll up in her grave, now would we?" Lady kindly said patting her cheek lightly.

"Oh no, my lady. You misunderstood me," she could feel the heat creep up to her cheeks due to the embarrassment that she was feeling because of her inability to converse properly,"ma is alive, just far away from me."she finally said.

"Oh!" Came lady's response and  could feel awkwardness in the air.

Both didn't say anything for a moment but then they both laughed at how the conversation turned into such awkward one.

"I just miss her and you remind me of her. How she must be passing her days without me in solitude." Skye explained herself feeling homey with this kind lady.

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