chapter 36

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It's you...

Queen's words were constantly ringing inside Skye's ears and she absently stopped right in front of the door, supporting 'library' sign on top. She held the handle in her hand and froze for longer than she realized.

How come she reached a point where she could feel no other pain but his.

She understood the pain of loss. The loss of someone too close to your heart that you can never cut the strings that attach you to them. Someone who always stays bound to you no matter what.

Even If those people aren't near you, at least you know they are out there somewhere, praying for your safety. You feel backed by the existence of those people but the stab of their sudden departure opens up a dam of tsunami that engulfs you whole within its enraged storm.

Prince leaving her to herself after literally keeping her locked in his chambers without her will was the last thing she thought could possibly happen. Arguing with him and standing up against him kept her own loneliness at bay. But now that no one who cared about her or cared to see her was there, she felt utterly helpless and drained out of her life force.

She could easily shatter into pieces and no one would even realize.

Sniffing lowly behind the protection of her hand that wiped off her wayward tears, she turned the knob and entered the library.

Before her appeared what seemed to be a large number of bookcases entraping fat books in their confines. The glass holding them from falling over on somebody and tear open their head because one look on those book spoke volumes or their weights that could literally kill a person if thrown at them.

Why would a person sit in the company of such books that look horrifying just by sitting their, entrapped?

She closed the door behind and turned her head to analyze the vastness of this library. Every locker and book case spoke it's own story, holding books of different sizes and colors. She watched in awe because she had never been to a library, especially as splendid as this.

A tapping sound of her reverberated in her eyes as the emptiness of the library creeped around her, showing its claws. The heavy darkness that was only being opposed by the dim light coming from somewhere was complementing the silence that was more dreading than anything at the moment.

Her body shuddered at the spooky environment. Ignoring the curiosity to explore the books, she quickened her pace towards light source. Turning a corner, her eyes followed the neon rays of light that led her focus towards the lonely lantern placed atop a wooden table accompanying an equally loner person.

Her heart constricted inside her throat as she found him hunched over the table with his arms resting on the table, hiding his face in them successfully. The neon light made his midnight hair appear dreamy and she suddenly felt the urge to run her fingers through those silky strands to gain his attention.

She was curious to look into those eyes in that neon light.

She advanced towards him earning no reaction and stopped beside him resting her hand over his shoulder. She braced herself for his violent outburst or his frustrating shouts or even a forceful push backward by his hand but no.

"What do you want." A coppery muffled voice reached her ears and her expression morphed into that of concerned one. His voice seemed like, it lacked emotions. The impact created after crying a lot and then not caring to give a damn about anything for the rest of the time. Not really wanting to talk to anyone at all.

But what hurt her was the fact that he knew she was there. He knew she stood beside him and still he didn't look at her or reacted nicely.

Why would he react nicely for you slapped him the last time you talked to him. Why would he be nice to you when he himself is going through one hell of a sorrowful moment.

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