chapter 31

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Guard opened heavy wooded doors of the throne room and stepping aside to secure his place beside the confines of the entrance. Prince Raine rushed inside with the long strides. The clock of his boots sliding solidly over the expensive fur of carpet. He stopped few steps away from the throne on which his father-king Alexander Rhodes was perched down with grace.

To other royalties, king Alexander might appear calm and collected but his son had a keen eye to detect underlying unease in father's calm demeanor. Prince Raine's eyebrows knitted together at the heavy silence hanging in the throne room and he ran a sensory glance over the three other royal members that were grim expressions on their faces confirming something wasn't right, just as prince thought.

"You have sent words for my presence, my father." He more like stated instead of questioning with voice that held obedience and underlying respect that didn't go unnoticed by the many ears, alert in the throne room.

"Indeed, I have," king confirmed as he rose from his seat on the throne and opted to walk down the throne,"I needed to discuss something with you"

At that prince's stature straightened and he peered at the king now pacing around on the floor among him and other royalties who were now also standing on curtsey of their king.

"Is there anything that's troubling you?" Prince asked sensing the stiff shoulders of king from behind.

King turned around and stood in front of prince, leveling his solemn gaze upon his son," the matter is indeed of grave importance, my son." King stated and took a huge breath as if analyzing the heaviness of the matter and fragility of the situation at hand.

"Allow me to explain the matter to prince, my leige. " one of the royals asked and king nodded as if relieved of some of the tension weighing his shoulder that further tensed prince Raine who had his eyes set on the royal member now.

"My Lord, " royal member started," as you already know that we had successfully rescued Lady skye and the commander few days ago."

At the mention of skye and commander, something akin to fire lit up inside prince's chest and he summoned all his power not to bark orders of twisting that man's throat for taking her name with that piece of rat.

Sensing the underlying rage building up in prince, the royal member cleared his throat and decided to hurry his words out before prince explodes.

"King Gregor Elliot of Hermione state demanded that lady skye should be handed over to them and commander for helping her flee so that they can imprison them and get some answers about the daughter he claims missing." The man ran a wary look over prince after delivering the information but prince was no more looking at him for his attention was now fixed on king with desperation etched on his face.

"Why would they ask for Skye, what does she has to do with all this mess?" He questioned frantically.

King walked back up on the throne, easing in on his seat and looked at the prince's impatient sight," They claim that skye belongs to Hermione state and she is responsible for helping their princess to flee, dumping their respect and owner six feet under."

This boiled prince's blood and red coated his eyes letting his beastiality to surface finally," she belongs here."he growled and the men on the other side shrunk back in their chairs.

"I know you claimed her son and for this purpose I called you here to let you know that we-" king swept his gaze over the royals perched in the chairs and then back at the prince," decided to hand commander over to them so that they can get their answers and get this over with. But your lady is safe in the walls of Alexandrian castle. As your claimed one, now it's our responsibility to make others respect her and honor her the way they do us." The finality in the declaration of king's voice didn't bother prince one bit for he was relieved to know that no harm will come to Skye, not that he will let it happen. Over his dead body, he thought. But something about all this situation alarmed some bells that churned his stomach.

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