The Day

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"Roses don't grow in winter, no need to water."


Aria woke me the next morning or should I say after a couple of hours. Watching movies all night long was definitely not a good idea because I was yawning after every 20 seconds. It was finally my wedding day or should I say my last day of freedom. I decided that I would enjoy my day completely but at this rate I don't think I will.

Aria helps me with my makeup along with some other makeup professionals. They made a beautiful rose bun with my hair. My gown was simple lacy white with long tail. It was way more puffy than any of my gowns. It was heavy and hard to stand in. But I was glad that the material was comfortable and soft. I liked it's detailing too. The embellishments on it were less but standing out on the gown making it look elegant.

 The embellishments on it were less but standing out on the gown making it look elegant

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My mother comes and embraces me tightly. Few tears escape her eyes and she dubs them away with her cream handkerchief. She then hands me a brooch that she inherited from her mother. It is a beautiful brooch with rose flower patterns on it. I give it to my mother so she can attach it. She pins it and steps backward with a look of proud in her eyes. She kisses my forehead and puts my tiara on my head. It had shiny diamonds embedded in it.

My stylists then put the veil on my head. It was long and embroidered as well. It was applying pressure on my head and I was finally considering running away. But it would leave a very bad impression.

My brothers come next. Charles hugs me and places a kiss on my forehead. John bear hugs me and says that he would miss teasing me. Charles smacks his head lightly and I chuckle.

I promise them that I would call them on daily basis. They both nod and leave the room to greet the guests. I don't miss the tears glistening in their eyes while they leave the room.

I was left alone in the room. Everyone, including Aria, were outside to see if something wasn't ready. It was very quiet in the room. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and the look in my eyes was haunting me. I look pretty and happy from the outside but my eyes look sad. My eyes glisten and I quickly look the other way to avoid crying over my pathetic state. I feel exceedingly helpless at this moment. Leaving me alone right now wasn't the best idea. I long sigh escape my lips.

Suddenly the doors of my room open giving me a small fright.


Hey hey hey!!!!

We are reaching near the end of this novela soon. I'm so excited!!!

Leave your thoughts about the dress I posted in this chapter. It's pretty,  isn't it?

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