Part 2

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Nani regained her composure somehow. Situation demanded her to be in control of her emotions. She herself was in shock with Garima angle but her previous bitter experiences forced her to take control of this rapidly spiraling out situation. She could not reconcile with everything revealed, but decided to put a full stop to this animalistic behaviour of her grandson. Her foresight warned her of the impact of this on relationships. She knew that anger whether right or wrong always brings only destruction. So she tried to calm her jumbled mind and handle the situation. She scolded Arnav for his caveman behavior and apologized to Guptas for his acts and took leave on behalf of Raizadas. While leaving, she coulnt stop herself from keeping a hand on Khushi's head, worried for this couple and walked away taking stern hold of Arnav's arm, who understood the 'dare he make a move' glare, she sent his way. Nani was undisputed decision maker in tough situations.  Everyone knew that marriage obviously stood cancelled. Truth to be told, all were too shocked at revelation and Arnav's callous behavior to think about marriage at all. 


The only dream Khushi had ever seen in her life, was broken more brutally than the last time, by the same man. Arnav later in their life will fight tooth and nail to get her to mandap(altar) but she won't budge. His chances to err were over, exhausted.

Reaching RM, Nani tried to calm Arnav down, her plea was that whatever that had happened was 14 years back and he cannot change the past so why should it affect present times so drastically? Secondly, she wont believe anything to be true without proofs and even if it were true, then also his reaction was barbaric. He had no need to be violent and abusive. And most importantly she could not understand what was Khushi's fault in all this when he himself told that he had misunderstood Khushi in Shyam's case.  She wanted to express her disappointment at his so obvious decision of not marrying Khushi but controlled herself. It may trigger Arnav to harm Khushi more in retaliation to, whatever were her Mausi's so called crimes.She didn't want Guptas in his line of fire.

Arnav looked in disbelief at his Nani's cold reaction to the other woman in her own daughter's life. How easily she forgot her own daughter. He didn't want to argue with her when she is more concerned about those Guptas. Throwing a murderous glare to Shyam, who chose to hide behind Anjali, Arnav marched to go to his room. Devyani Raizada made it clear that no further discussion will take place and everyone should leave for their rooms. But Dadi being Dadi stopped Arnav at stairs questioning him for calling her and Arvind, his respected father, names at the mandap. Arnav gave her a scathing and crude reply, abusing his father some more, that a cheat like Arvind Malik deserves it and more. He then asked her why she told him about Garima at the last moment only? Why not before? To spoil his wedding? Right?  She obviously had no answer, so Arnav abused her some more alongwith her khandaan(bloodline), prompting so called self-respecting Dadi to leave for ashram as always. Nani who had always tried to diffuse the situation, did not stop her this time.She was fed up of Subhadra Devi's dramas.

Anjali was very furious at Arnav's behavior but Nani stopped her from confronting him. She went angrily to her room;  Shyam was now a scared mouse, caught in fire, he himself roused. He realized his folly in jumping to save Khushi, which was immediately highlighted by Arnav. His reaction had been spontaneous.In his defence, he couldn't stop himself, he thought creepily.(How can such a beauty die when I haven't tasted her yet). But he should have let him choke her. She deserved it for rejecting him, Shyam Manohar Jha! Now he has landed in soup because of one hell of a seductive woman, he groaned. He desperately hoped dim-witted Raizadas would ignore it somehow. He needs to do something fast. Maybe more buttering of his wife? He has to deviate them in any way. 

He understood one thing that Arnav was out of his scope. He has to be very cautious of him. In focusing all his attention towards Arnav, Shyam missed the danger lying next to his feet. He assessed his wife too low on intelligence. And it was going to cost his life. Sometimes most harmless-looking people prove to be fatal. His wife dissolving him in acid and then draining his remains into sewage never occurred to him. Not his fault because this bone-chilling method of killing someone has not come even in his evil mind so how come his pious wife plan something like this.

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