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Jul 18 Storyline-- The storyline is just too good to be avoid....I have read every single chapter and I can say to new readers that don't judge this book bcoz of 1st half bcoz this story is like a roller coaster ride 👍👍👌 ...Plz do read if u want to read a best story on wattpad

Jul 18 Fantastic & Unique storyline, very mature way of evolving the characters, right speed of flow. Humane characters is the USP. Nobody is an angel, no one is the villain. Just normal people dealing with drawback

Jul 18 Unique and very interesting story line... Maturity in dealing with problems thy... I loved how u made khushi very strong and independent in this story evn after arnavs many comforts and promises... And the story is not too slow or too fast... It's the best pace... Overall one of my fav arshi story

Jul 18
1) As a reader what is important is the story line which is different from rest. Your story is interesting, intriguing. As a reader you are hooked up.2) The characters are realistic. They r not God or demons. They r plain human beings. Yes the humanity n values in dem varies bt other dan dat the characters r not flawless.3) If we read it in one go then there is no issue with the speed of the writer.4) USP of this story is the writer.If as a reader u r into fantasy world where everything is rosy then this story is not for u.

Jul 18 I don't know about others but for me this story is awesome i enjoyed every part and everything of can say I'm madly and blindly in love with this story and and the writing skills of you...if any one oppose me it's not my headache cz I'm carefree person😜..i wush you all the best with everything in your life and your writing skills...saty safe stay blessed 💕 😘

An extraordinary story about the spice of life of simple ordinary people. As the story progresses, the characters grow too, emotionally and that makes the story even better. The story moves ahead in a steady way-no fumbling, no stumbling. The best part of the story, for me, is the expression through cute and sweet gestures rather than over the top hi-fi unreal ones. A must-read story for everybody who wants to read something organic, natural, and free of cliches.

First and foremost I love ur story to the core. The way show Khushi's character in the start is beautiful thus story is close to reality. I particularly admire ur writings between Arnav and kids. My personal favorite scene is when khushi make him realise it is not easy to move on from the past how she showed the mirror to Arnav about the harsh words that thrown at her by him hurt him.

Story is amazing for that I just wait for whole week to read. Please update fast dear. Your every story had a inner meaning.

In my opinion, your story is quite close to perfect in terms of story plot, character build up, and pace of the story. What I like the most is it's realistic and very unique from other stories of similar starting points. Keep writing like this.

I love everything about your story. 💖

HOL is a super realistic must read. In parts tearjerker, motivating, though provoking and healing. For me what was more important was that the author berated toxic behavior and did not normalize it. A lot of people try to normalize bad behavior with its love, pent up anger/emotional baggage and what not. Here the leads are flawed human beings who makes mistakes, learn from it. They are just human beings Kushi is a strong female lead who shows her emotionally strong side. Its her perseverance to do the right thing for herself is what attracted me. The Male lead in time learns that women have a working brain and can probably decide and take decisions no matter what the situation and most importantly stick by them.

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