NOTE(Point 3 updated)

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I would like to clear certain things. This is my perception and it may look wrong to you. But coz I am writing this story, my thought process, principles are going to be reflected in this story. I read in comment section that some people found part 20 nauseating. I am extremely sorry, my intention was not to cause such reaction. I don't know what to say. 

I would suggest that we must not read things that we find revolting. My story is not so important that it should create disturbance in your life. If you think I am spreading a wrong message please feel free to report it to wattpad support team, believe me I ll stop writing if its wrong. But if you are nauseated with story just because of clash of opinions that fall in grey area, I cannot help you much coz thats who I am. And I am completely unapologetic about that chapter. I welcome all contrasting comments too but if it is distressing you, please stop reading it. 

1. I have written this story with premise that Arnav loves Khushi and vice-versa. They are legally married for lifetime...though it doesnt matter here. But many have missed out that point.(In India contract marriage comes under two acts marriage act n contract act...Arnav never submitted contract papers technically theirs is proper legal marriage).

Its not just sexual desire/lust between them. I don't think I have degraded Khushi's character if she indulged in sex majorly due to hormones. I have no where advocated that go have sex with anyone you feel like and then blame it on hormones. I hate cheaters - circumstances, hormones in those cases are at the end of the day just excuses. Cant respect a relation, come out of it but dont degrade it. (remembered Silsila...colors) 


I don't judge one night stands/casual sex : if you are not cheating someone, not doing it with some nefarious motive behind it. If it is not harming anyone, I won't even frown upon it whether I myself believe it in or not. All sex that is not love-making cannot be wrong esp., with 'Arranged Marriages' done with full consent of both parties still prominent in Delhi where sex converts into love-making, not the other way round.

2. I don't think trust is implicit in love. For any relationship to work both are essential or it will fall apart like house of cards but no trust doesn't by default means no love. Trust takes time to be built and uses reason/brain while love comes from 'mann'(soul) and you wont generally be able to find a reason behind it. A pathological liar's mother loves him but won't trust him generally. 

3. Many readers could not understand why Arnav was allowed in GH, near Khushi.

My POV:  Arnav is father of the baby. It is his responsibility to take care of the woman he made pregnant and his unborn, irrespective of the fact that she and her family are perfectly capable of that, irrespective of the fact they are in love or not. His duty doesn't end at impregnation. 

Yes, she can raise her child alone...most of the people can, no doubt. But I ll not have Arnav wallowing in self pity, drowning  in guilt or work whatever...away at RM, while Khushi takes care of everything alone. What is the use of such redemption? He wont help his child at all by staying away. I dont want that some years down the lane, child discovers about father, Khushi allows him to meet his 'Dad' and Arnav gets to be father of a well-nurtured child brought up all alone by Khushi and it is the happily ever after.

Arnav has to bear his punishment in presence of Khushi. He has to do his role of father since beginning itself. Drown in guilt, work endlessly, weep,feel sorry at GH, face the hardships of hostility by Guptas and a valley like emotional distance with Khushi but dont compromise on your duty. He has already failed as a husband. What is the use of weekend Daddy? That is his redemption for me. Khushi forgiving him or not should not mean that he stops his efforts and stays away. He should not hound her about their relationship but should be present there.

Again just my POV...not necessarily correct...but it is going to be reflected in story. Coz my conclusion from IPKKND was that Arnav fell in  love with Khushi against his own wish but neither he could understand or trust her much. And that was their problem. 

No intentions to hurt anyone. Please don't take it that way. Thanks

So as of now, in this story :

Arshi are legally married not ritually. Arnav considers them married, Khushi does not.

 Guptas and Raizadas know about legal marriage but no one ll interfere in their personal matters. Everything except their love moments, relationship between two during 6 months of contract marriage and office conversation, is known to all. 

Status-quo between Arshi in same : Ceasefire which Khushi violates now and then...she has got the upper hand. Story will proceed from Aarav growing up in next chapter. I ll try to wrap him being centre of attention in 2 updates max...with other things overshadowing next.  

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