Part 26

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All proofreading after completion of story.

Stuff from GH was arranged in place by the time everyone sat for dinner.  Buaji and Garima-Shashi had their rooms on ground floor alongside Naniji's. Pooja ghar was now embellished with idols from Gupta House increasing Anjali's happiness manifolds. The dining hall was filled with more chatter than usual. It was a jovial affair, whole family was together and excited about this setup, looking forward to happy days that were to follow.

Arnav had conceded to her agreement but when he found all his things back in their original place in RM i.e., in their original room,  he had had enough. He simply picked up his clothes, daily essentials back to the adjacent room that was now their 'so called rented' room and threw them on the bed, warning a shocked Khushi to arrange them back to the their right place i.e., with her own things in an hour if she doesn't want all their stuff back in original room alongwith its members. His expressions, body language was deadly serious indicating that his patience was hanging thin. 

Khushi caught the danger signs perfectly and relented. Arnav stood there nonchalantly, not at all moving from his place by the wall to assist her. He looked on as she grumbled and did it all alone, he was just too angry to help her clean the mess she had created herself. So in nutshell, nothing had changed other than the room which now looked less crowded owing to much bigger space in the lavish mansion. Nursery that has gone through several changes according to Aarav's growth, was very much part of the room besides their famous triple bed. He was too young to sleep separately. 

NK and Aarav were enjoying in latter's toy room when his mother came inside and put the end to all the fun. It was already 11pm, way past his sleeping time and NK Chachu had an early morning flight to catch. NK was going to London for another AR workshop as usual. They joked about random things for sometime. Before retiring to their rooms, he praised Khushi who was now carrying a sleeping Aarav, for keeping strong and assured her that he would return back from the training session to celebrate 'Dilwali' with whole family. Khushi corrected his Hindi as usual and NK kissed Aarav and closed his 'Nannav' like parted mouth before leaving for his room. The trio didn't take much time to sleep on their same bed in a different room, they were just too tired to be bothered about new setting and all. 

Aarav slept throughout the night without disturbing his parents. As a result, he woke up early at 5 instead of usual 7. His Daddy was zipping his track suit to leave for his morning jog when he saw him sitting on bed and rubbing his eyes cutely with his tiny chubby hands. So his Highness was awake early morning today! Arnav sat down on bed, pulling his baby on his lap and kissed him 'Good Morning'. He smiled at his adorable expression as Aarav looked around in confusion trying to identify the room. Daddy told him it was RM, this gave him the needed reassurance and he wished him back 'Good Morning Papa' in his still not very clear words, accompanied with a goofy smile that was powerful enough to light up Papa's world. 

Arnav had tough time explaining it to his curious son that this room was same as the one where they slept yesterday night and it was in RM not Laxminagar. He feared that their talk would wake up Khushi. He took him to french windows of the room to show the poolside which served as evidence that this room was indeed part of Shantivan. After a long time, Arnav got opportunity to spend time with him in morning. Reminiscing Aarav's new born days that were less than two year old memories, he kissed him again and took him to washroom for cleanup and dressed him up for the day. He moved to kitchen to feed his hungry chick. Aarav's tummy soon got a delicious breakfast of perfectly smashed banana with chocolate sprinkles. He can have his feed after Mumma woke up at 7, Daddy assured him.

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