Chapter 9

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          Tony was driving Peter, Mj and Camryn to her school. They were talking happily about what was going to be happening that day. They parked outside the building.

         "The teacher knows about what happened and she said she emailed the other parents. You shouldn't have any trouble. If you do call me," Tony says seriously. Peter just nods at him before he's being pulled out of the car by Camryn, Mj following behind. All the parents that had kids that weren't in Camryns class looked at them in shock. Some looked disappointed, just like Peter thought they would. He tried to ignore it to make sure Camryn was happy. They walked into the classroom and Camryn pulled them to her seat. The other kids were already there with their parents. When they saw them, they all smiled at the two teens. He smiled back then looked to Camryn as she tugged his sleeve. She pointed to the girl next to her.

         "This is Rosie. She's my bestest friend." Peter and Mj smiled at the other girl and waved. She waved back and then the teacher spoke.

           "Alright kiddies. Go and get you and your parents food. Remember, today you need to be nice to them and take care of them." Camryn looked at Peter.

        "What do you want me to get?" Peter smiled at her.

        "Whatever you want to get." She nodded and walked towards where the food was. Peter sighed softly when he felt his phone vibrate. He looked and saw he got a text from Bruce. 'Someone's coming by after school to meet Camryn'. Peter sighed again and looked back up. The parents were looking at him.

        "What's wrong?" He put his phone down and ran his hand through his hair. Mj put a hand on his shoulder.

         "Someone's gonna be coming to our house later to meet Camryn. They're trying to get her adopted since she legally doesn't have any parents." They looked at Peter confused.

         "Why can't you just adopt her?" Peter sighs sadly.

         "I'm only sixteen. Legally can't." He looked for Camryn and saw her waiting in line.

        "Well then why is she staying with you? Do you two live in an orphanage together?" Peter flinched slightly as memories came back, Mj tightened her grip for a second. He shook his head.

       "No we live with my parents. She stays with us because I was the one her found her after... her parents. And for some reason she didn't want to leave. My parents can't adopt her because the state or whatever doesn't think that would be a good idea with what they do. And how young she is." The parents looked at him sympathetically and Camryn sat back in her chair.

       "Here you go daddy. I thought we could just share a plate." Peter thanked her softly and ate. He didn't eat much, wanting Camryn and Mj to eat most of it. She just finished her food as the teacher spoke again.

       "Alright class. We are now going to tell your classmates why you love your parents. Shane, you're up first." The students went up to the front of the class when it was their turn. Most of them talked about how they love their parents because they're nice and get them what they want when they've been good. Then it was Camryns turn.

        "My daddy's name is Peter. I don't have a mommy, but daddy's friend Mj is nice. She's like my mommy I guess." All the parents look at Peter and Mj quickly, both blushing, before looking back at the girl.

        "I love my daddy for many reasons. One, he helps make me smarter. He teaches me new words everyday. It gets hard sometimes, but he's very patient. That's a word he taught me. Two, he watches my favorite movies with me. He also sings along to the songs. His voice sounds just like the princes! Mj joins in too and sounds like a princess. Three, he makes me laugh all the time. Him and his friends are all very funny. Four, he makes me happy after I've been sad. He lets me cry and then we do something fun. Five, he's nice even though someone in his school is mean to him. They say mean things to him or about him. It makes me sad, but daddy says I shouldn't worry about it. Six, he's really smart. Grandpa said Peter got into a really good school. I think he said MIT. He also said something about Harvard? I think. I can't remember. But even without that, he's the smartest person ever. Seven, even when he's having a bad day, he's always there for me. He tries to stay strong, but I know he's not the happiest. He says I've helped, but I don't know how. Eight, he doesn't get mad when I get upset when he has to leave. He just tries to calm me down before explaining where he's going. Nine, he saved me after what happened to my real parents. He stopped the bad guy! He's so cool! Ten, he hasn't left me. No matter how much I get upset or bug him when he's upset, he stays with me. There's more, but I've already taken a long time. And I love Mj because she's super nice, smart and pretty!"

           The parents are shocked. They're shocked by how smart the girl was and shocked at how much this young kid has done. They looked at him and saw his eyes were tearing up. He didn't cry, but he seemed to be getting close. Others were crying and they were wondering how a sixteen year old kid could be able to stay calm. They were also confused by a few things the girl said. They barely met the kid and they don't understand how anyone could be mean to him. And how could a sixteen year old get into some of the best schools? Camryn walked up to her dad and pulled him into a hug. She buried her face in his neck. The other parents looked at them. They weren't going to be able to get that kid away from Peter.

         "I love you daddy." Everyone's hidden tears fell down their faces at that. The emotion grew as Peter responded.

         "I love you too Cam."

A/N: here's this. I don't like some of the wording, but I think it's cute. I know how this story will end, but it needs to take a while before I get there. It's a sad ending btw. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

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