Chapter 28

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Everyone was sitting outside Peters room for the second time within a year. The team was pacing and trying to calm themselves down. Camryn was in the living room with Happy while they waited for the okay from Bruce. Hours later, Bruce walked out with a look of hidden sorrow. Everyone's heart drops. He looks back up at them.

"He's okay, but... he's not going to be waking up anytime soon. His healing isn't doing what it's supposed to and... he has to stay attached to all these machines to keep him alive." Everyone let's out a choked sob.

"Can I see him?" Bruce looks at Tony with sympathy and concern.

"Tony... I don't think you need to see him like that." Tony just glared at his friend.

"He's my kid Bruce. I need to be there for him." Bruce just sighs before leading the team to Peters room. They all gasp as they see the kid. Tubes are in his mouth, nose, and multiple needles are injecting different liquids into him. Tony sits in the closest chair while the others sit on the couch across the room. Tony reaches for Peters hand when he notices it's in a cast from his fingers to above his elbow. He grabs his hand softly and lays his forehead against Peters shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Peter." They sit there for a few minutes before they decide to turn on the tv to fill the silence. The news comes on and they all freeze at the headline. 'Teen boy runs into burning school to save a young girl'. They wanted to change the channel, but they couldn't. They just watched as the building fell again.
—at Mjs—
Mj was finishing her homework when she decided to turn her tv on. She flipped through the channels before she landed on a news channel. She wouldn't have turned it on, but something was telling her she needed to. She watched as the building went up in flames and people started to run out. The teachers began to scream and then a boy ran into the building. Mj gasped and dropped the remote as she realized who that boy was. She saw Camryn walk out and she stared at the screen, waiting for Peter to walk out as well. She covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes when the building fell. She grabbed her phone and called Pepper. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hello Mj." Her voice was quiet and forcefully happy. Mj let out a shaky breathe.

"Is he okay? Is Peter okay?" There's a pause and then a sigh from the other end of the phone.

"We don't know yet Mj. But we're doing the best that we can." Mj just threw her phone against the wall and rubbed the tears out of her eyes. She walked back over to her phone, saw that it wasn't broken, and called Wade.
—with Wade—
He was fixing his suit when his phone rang. He saw who was calling and smirked.

"Hey Mj. You finally decided to accept my offer of an open relationship with Peter?" He asked jokingly. His smirk fell when he heard shaky breathing instead of a sarcastic response.

"Mj? What happened? Is everything okay?" There's another shaky exhale before she answered.

"It's Peter. He's not doing so good." Wade began to panic.

"What do you mean?"

"Turn on the news." He did and he froze at what he saw. Peter ran into a burning building. If he had his suit on, he would've been fine. But he didn't have his suit and he wasn't fine.

"I'll have to call you back." He hung up and just sat on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. Peter has to be alright, right?
"Ned, sweetheart. Can you com down here?" Ned walked into the living room after his mom called him. He was smiling until he saw the looks on his parents faces. His smile fell slightly, but it was still there.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" His parents shared a look before motioning to the empty seat on the couch. He sat down and waited for them to speak. His mom sighed.

"Ned, it's Peter. He... he ran into a building to save Camryn. It fell on him." His mom began to cry because she thought of the boy as family. Ned just sat there and looked at his parents before clearing his throat.

"I'm gonna go up to my room now." His parents nodded with sympathetic looks as he left. He sat on his bed and stared at his phone. This is all just a dream and Peter will call him and tell him he's okay. He had to be okay. He's Spider-Man.

A/N: it's Endgame week brothers.

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