Tragedy Strikes - Chapter Two

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Carita felt cold in her own motel room, it would be her last night there, since Sam and Dean would be looking out for her now. They said that they would be bringing her back to Bobby Singer's till they got back from a case they were working on at the moment- something big that they needed to get done with- but that they would be back soon. Carita had heard all of it before though, knowing that soon could mean a few days up to a little over a month depending on how big the case really got. She had been to Bobby's when she had been a kid, though it seemed more like she had been a toddler now that she looked back at it, through her kid years she had been with her mother on the road as well. Bobby had always made time for her, letting her play with the cars in his junk yard, and would allow her to play house with some of his many phones when it came to nightfall. Carita looked up to the man, even thought of him as family.

It had been a week since her mothers death and she still felt like her mother would walk through the door any minute, but instead it was just her boyfriend Daryl, looking for answers that she would not give him. Carita had kept him hidden from the world that she knew so well – from the real her – since the day that she had met him, knowing that it would be for the best that she kept him in the dark for as long as she could. She felt cold, as if there was something in the air that was keeping the room cold, though she knew it would not be her mother, they burned the body the day they got it. Sam and Dean said that it would be for the best to get it over with as soon as possible, Carita knew that as well. But it was the firs time that she had someone be burned right in front of her, the first hunter's death that she had seen, but she held strong and watched as the blaze grew higher and higher. Even then, she could feel the cold creeping up on her and she just zipped up her leather jacket tighter around her body.

" I got us some food!" Daryl smiled as he came into the room, dropping the keys and a brown bag into the little brown table next to the door.

" I'm not really hungry right now, but thanks for going out and getting us something." Carita smiled as she wrapped another blanket around herself, trying to kill the cold.

" You still shivering?" He asked, a wave of concern washed over him, she could see it in his eyes. " Maybe you should wear that leather jacket that I gave you, it can really help keep you warm."

It was one of the first things that he had given to her, a gift on their first date. It was dark brown and had some scuff marks in it, but it was still in good shape. It was a little baggy on her and she was always brining it in closer to her to make it more snug around her body. But she loved it with every inch of her body. It felt like the roads Daryl had driven down, the pure freedom that he had felt with it on, and most of all it felt like Daryl himself. There was a scent of Daryl that ran through the jacket that never seemed to come out of it..

" No, I just don't want it to come back." She lied as she starred at the boy.

She had met Daryl at school, though he had graduated many years before her, she still met him there; well, crossing from school to the other side of the road. As Carita remembered it, she had been walking in the sidewalk when Daryl nearly hit her with his motorcycle, hard. She screamed as he came to a dead stop right in front of her, less than an inch from her feet. Carita thought that she could see her life flash before her eyes, feel her heart stop for a second in her chest, but then it all came to pass. Daryl swore asked if she was alright and she smiled, though out of breath, and told him that she was alright. But he had to make it up to her – nearly hitting her and all – and decided to drive her home. Home that week had been a newly furnished home that they had phone to vacant and taken a hold of. Carita had thanked him for the ride and for not killing her, he took her hand and drove his phone number on it, telling her to call him sometime. It took her a full week to call him and ask for a date, knowing that he was much older and that she should not do it was battling with the want and need to see him again, the want and the need won out in the end. Though it you asked Daryl, there would be a different story told.

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