Tragedy Strikes - Chapter Eight

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Carita could feel her own heart starting to break from inside of her, her breathing becoming a problem for her own good as she stood with a gun to her head. She knew that there was no good way out of this. Either Daryl would take her away, into the woods to who knows what, or she would be shot in the head, or the only person that she has ever truly loved would be taken away from her for the rest of her short life. Carita felt like she was in one of those movies, the ones where everyone dies in the end besides one person who it left in depression for the rest of their life. She looked at her father, the one that she had just met a few months before and felt like she had known him all of her life, wished that she had, and felt like she truly cared for him. Looked at Sam and could see the fear that was in his eyes, the worry that he had for her, knew that he cared about her like she was truly family as well. There was a bond that was made between them already. One that would be broken very soon.

" Well you wanted to talk to me. So talk, Daryl, they already know everything that has happened tonight, so please, just tell me what you needed to tell me, okay? Please, just talk to me." Carita said as she looked at Dean. " I just don't want you to get hurt cause. . . I really care about you" She wondered if Dean knew that she was talking to him.

" I care about you too Carita." Daryl said while he swung her around so that she was facing him.

" Talk to me," she whispered lightly " because I am scared as hell and I don't know what to think right now. You seem to know everything that there is to about me while I know nothing about you. I need you to tell me everything right now."

" No, not with them here." Daryl hissed.

" They will not leave without me and we both know that. So please, just talk to me and I promise that they will not hurt you as long as you don't hurt me. Okay?" Carita asked lightly, still holding in all of her tears. " Right guys?" She asked.

" Right." Sam said in almost a growl. Carita could almost feel the non-verbal fight that was going on between the two brothers.

" So talk away." Carita said lightly.

" Come into the woods with me, they will still be able to see us, but they will not be able to hear us. That is all I ask." Daryl said.

" Fine." She whispered as she looked back at the two, guns still aimed right at Daryl.

" What?!" Dean yelled.

" No way, Carita that is insane!" Sam said, in ton getting darker and darker.

" This is my choice guys, he will not hurt me as long as I go with him. Right Daryl?" She asked and he nodded lightly.

" No. No way in hell." Dean hissed.

" Too bad." She said as she walled away with Daryl still holding onto her arm.

She could feel the two boys were eying her the whole way into the wood, that their guns were locked and loaded with every step that Daryl took into the woods. Carita did not feel safe at all, she though that she was in no danger when she was with Daryl. She knew that there was nothing that he was going to do to her as long as Sam and Dean were there to protect her. Carita did not know how she knew all of these things, but she just did. She would not look up at the man as they stopped far back into the woods, he was not the person that she had ever known before. She was not the person that she had once trusted with her life, her body, her soul. There was nothing that was right about being here with him, a hunter and a demon, he should have killed her the second that he had laid eyes on her, she the same thing.

" So just let me talk okay?" He did not wait for a answer. " I know that this all seems so wrong, I know that and I should have told you long before now everything that I was. But see the thing is that I knew that you were, a hunter, and well demons and hunters do not have the best record of liking one another. Hell, I don't think that there has ever been a hunter and a demon that have had a real relationship like we have before. But you really need to know that there was a reason why we met on that day, that it was not just fate that picked us to meet like that. I was sent to meet up with you by a higher demon." Carita could feel her heart drop to the floor.

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