Tragedy Strikes - Chapter Six

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" Morning Mum." Carita smiled as she came down the stairs to their home, her hair still in a web from her bed and a smile that seemed like it would never go away.

" Morning Car, I made you your favorite." Her mother smiled as she stood in front of the old stove.

Carita could feel the warmth coming off of the stove, could feel the chill of the morning coming in from the doorway. She starred at the woman she she looked around, it all seemed so. . . perfect. Her house, her mother, her breakfast, it seemed unreal. She sat down and starred at the bacon and ham-egg-n'cheese sandwich that was starring back at her. Her mother used to make it all of the time when she was little, before she would leave for a hunting trip, it was a sign that she would be gone for a long time. But this was different, she was home, they were both safe and sound now.

" Hey Dad!" Carita said as Dean entered the wide, blue, kitchen. He seemed like he was worn out from a long night working at the office, but happy nonetheless.

" Hey Car! How'd you do on that English exam yesterday?" Dean asked as he held onto her shoulder. She loved it when he did this.

" I think that I sucked at it, I did not even know half of the answers on the test. Dumb Mr. Pelentier lied about everything that would be on it. Man, I hate him sometimes." Carita smiled as Dean took a piece of bacon from her plate.

" Well, I guess that we will just have to study a little harder next time." Dean smiled as he moved from Carita to the stove where her mother was standing.

They looked so happy together, so. . . in love. Carita tried to act like she looked away, but she could not help but to stare at them. They seemed to be the perfect couple in the neighborhood, perfect house, perfect life, perfect couple, everything was great. The way that Dean would look at her mother, the way that she would look back, Carita envied them for it. The way that Dean would just stare at her mother with whatever she was doing, from making breakfast to cleaning the bathroom, he would just stare in amazement at the woman, eyes with love. The way that her mother would roll her eyes and act like she was truly angry with Dean when he said something that was wrong or said that his brother would be coming over for dinner, unexpected, when really she loved the company. She desired to have someone that would be like that with her, needed it desperately.

" I think that Daryl will be coming over later today, is that okay?" Carita asked as she finally had enough of starring at the two of them.

" Sure, it's okay with me." Dean said as he took a piece of toast from the toaster before it had even popped.

" No, I don't think that he should be coming over anymore. I mean look at what he did to you the last time that he was here! Him and that friend of his . . . what was his name?" Her mother asked, looking from face to face.

" Merell? He is just a big oaf that seems to follow Daryl around like a big puppy. I mean it's not like Daryl meant to have him come over here, he was just protecting me when he pushed me down the stairs." Carita said, trying to defend her loved one.

" Well he did it anyway and it was not like you just fell, you went right through the mirror that was had at the bottom of the stairs and it went right into your side! Not to mention the fact that you broke your wrist trying to catch yourself going down those stairs!" Her mother said, slamming down her pain into the sink.

" Looks like I'm not getting any breakfast anytime soon." Dean grumbled.

" It was not just his fault here Mom! He means no harm, why don't you understand that!" Carita shouted.

" Because Car, he is a monster, he will hurt us all if you let him!" Her mother shouted as Carita started to scream.

Her mother had fallen onto the floor, blood coming from her mouth as she tried to breath in deeply, Dean trying to pick her up. Carita just starred and screamed at the top of her lungs as she watcher her mother chocking on her own blood. But then there was a noise, something that made the whole room light up and then come back down, something that made her ears ring, and then Dean was lying on the ground next to her mother. Carita was bewildered. She could not come back down, her mind was racing as she looked around, looking for anything to protect herself with. She found Daryl, holding as shotgun in his hand.

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