Tragedy Strikes - Chapter Ten

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Ever since she had healed she had been training for the moment where she would meet up with Lafayette once again. This demon had to out to get her, had to out to kill everyone that was in his path to get to the girl, Carita knew that Lafayette would do whatever it took to get to her, she would just have to be one step ahead of the game. She took care to make sure that she was never away from her family, that they would never be in danger - even if they had much more time on the game, even if they had knowledge more than Carita could dream of, she had the power that they did not - she knew that he would come for them, to get to her. She practiced using all that she could already her as a weapon, started to use actual weapons more and more, she was starting to become a cold-hearted killer.

She was breathing heavily and had been working since sun-up when she finally took out her cell phone, a new one that Dean had gotten her from a local Wal-Mart, just to make sure that she would have one - just in case - Carita was not supposed to use it for just anything. She was really not supposed to use it to call a demon. She knew this, but she longed for Daryl, wanted - needed - to talk to him, just to hear his voice and know that he was alright, wherever he was. It had been months since she had seen the man, since she knew that he was alive and well, it had been just a few short days after the accident.

Carita had been laying in bed, still not being able to go up and down the stairs just yet because of her leg, and hobbled everywhere that she went. But the boys had went to go get some things at the store, some food or something, and Bobby had not woken up from sleeping on his desk - Carita knew this because if he was awake he would either be cooking breakfast for the girl, or he would be reading his books upstairs with her. She felt helpless being at the mercy to all of these different guys - though they may care and love her dearly - she did not like to be taken care of, she had always been the provider before this moment. She had been flipping through the phone that Dean had given her and was playing some stupid gamed when there had been a knock on the door, it shot her up instantly with the fact that it sounded off.

" Come in." She said lightly as she felt the underside of her mattress to feel the cold end of a revolver sticking out to her.

" It's me, Car. I have been so fucking worried about you!" Daryl said as he rushed into the room, dropping the flowers that he had been carrying onto Bobby's chair, and wrapped his arms around the girl. " I am so sorry for not telling you everything before hand I know that I should have and I know that I have been so stupid to keep all of this from you. I am so sorry for all of this. I really am, I never wanted for Lafayette to know where you were, I never wanted for him to be able to get to you. I take full blame for all of this that has happened to you in the last few days, Carita! It is all my fault! I shouldn't have been so fucking stupid - and what are you giggling at?!" He hissed to the back of the girls bobbling head.

" I am sorry, it's not that I am laughing at your apology, I am laughing because I have just missed you so fucking much!" She smiled as she gave him a kiss.

There was no real reasoning about why she was still in so much love with this demon - why she felt so drawn to him, as if the fates and gods had just shifted and told them to be with one another - she could not say for sure what it was, all she knew was that she would always forgive him for his stupid ways. No matter what he had done, she would forgive him, it was as simple as that. Carita loved him like there was no way to love without him, like if she tried to stop her lungs would stop working or the world would just come to an end. He was the first man that she had ever fallen in love with, he was the first person to ever see her naked, he knew everything that there was to about her and more. He knew that she was, that she would do to him if she were to find out about him, and he trusted her and loved her and never gave her in. Carita would never take away that trust from him, ever. She just knew that she was in love with him and he was in love with her, there was no reasoning that was needed, it just was what is was. Love.

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