chapter one - awards

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chapter one - awards

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chapter one - awards

The golden spotlight shines down onto her as her dress glitters gently, catching your eye and drawing you in. Alexandria's stance is one of confidence and pride, as she stands right where she belongs. The crystal shape in her hands draws competitors attention, but the beauty that shines from her face has every singe male on the edge of their seat.

The room is hot, the fans whirring in the background, but not to loud as to disrupt the filming of her speech. The crowd sits in adoration at her words, many people even opting to stand up and cheer for her as she makes bold statements that every person has been too afraid to say so far. Her smile is confident as she calls out social issues and dedicates her award to people who need the confidence boost the most - making my heart swell up in pride.

As her speech comes to a close, the words become more personal. I come out of my own head to find her staring at my section of seats. Suddenly very aware of the co-stars around me, it takes every fiber of control in me to not grin or wave at her.

"...I also want to thank my co-stars who I wouldn't of managed without. Finally, I just want to thank the person who has made my year. They know who they are and they should know that I am eternally grateful to them. Thank you." She speaks, expertly drawing her eyes off of my section of seats to address the whole room.

But she's talking about me, I know she is.

Sticking to her usual dare devil personality, I'm not surprised she decided to mention me. Our relationship may be hidden, but that doesn't stop her from talking about me in her acceptance speech nor does it stop my grin that stretches across my face after she finishes her speech. Unable to hide the joy flowing through my body, I'm extremely grateful when the cameras shut off for an advert break.

People jump from their seats immediately, sick of following orders. At least ten new people flock around Alex, the crystal award placed in her lap acting like honey for a swarm of flies. They surround her, but I know it's going to take something bigger than that to stop us.

As she stands up to thank another person, I go behind her. Using the innocent excuse of needing to grab a drink, which are at the end of the aisles, I run my hand down her forearm and give her hand a quick squeeze.

It's invisible to any bystander, it's as quick as a flash, but the smile on her face solidifies the fact that she knew what I meant. My silent way of congratulating her was successful and her smile is the reward.

The cameras quickly come back on as the lights on the stage become luminous once again. The categories continue to trudge along and I become bored almost instantaneously. But as the last category is called, my excitement arises at the promise of a good after-party.

Once everything has been said, I'm one of the first to stand up and make my way to the exit. My best friend, of three years, Noah follows beside me. We met at a audition and quickly hit it off. Three years later and he's one of the small group of people I can actually stand. He lets out a yawn and twists to the side to crack his back. I looking quizzically at him, raising my eyebrow in a silent question.

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