chapter seven - parents

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Golden sunlight pierces through my eyelids as they slowly flutter open

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Golden sunlight pierces through my eyelids as they slowly flutter open. My unwillingness to get up is mainly because of the body behind me and I'm honestly so comfy that if a fan came in here asking for a photo I would just pose for a selfie from the comfort of my own bed.

Realizing that Theo is in fact still asleep beside me, I trace the hand that rests on my stomach. Slowly turning, I shuffle onto my other side so I can face Theo. His deep breathing stays even as I get comfy again and I'm reassured by it, knowing that I've succeeded in not waking him up.

Tracing his arm gently, I sit contentedly for a while. I trace the strong arm that pulls me close to him, even in his sleep whilst appreciating the way his face looks so relaxed right now. I like that the line between his eye-brows from stress has melted away to be replaced by a look of ease. His shut eyelids hide the dark chocolate brown eyes that have made me fall in love with staring into his eyes.

His pink lips part as they blow out his breath and as I trace my finger over the top lip, his breathing stutters before going back to his normal rhythm. Leaning forward, I press my lips slowly to his and I feel awake despite not having any coffee due to the tingling across my body from contact with him.

Breaking apart, I keep my lips close to his own and my forehead touching his as I whisper, "Morning."

I don't get a verbal reply, instead I get a groan. He pulls me closer to him, if that's even possible at this point, and buries his face in my neck.

Running my hands through his thick head of wild hair, I say, "We really have to get up at some point today. I've got lunch with my parents."

"Meh. They can have you in public, I deserve my time now." Theo speaks for the first time today, his voice deep and rough. But his nonchalant attitude proves to me that he doesn't want to get out of bed either.

So we don't.

For another hour, we lie together. Side by side, hand in hand and the world around me seems to still as I lie beside the one man I shouldn't be in love with. But mornings like this remind me of how easy it is to fall in love with Theo and how much trouble I'm in.

Keeping my hand intertwined with his own, Theo brings the back of my hand to his mouth and gives it a kiss before sighing. "C'mon, we'll make pancakes."

I pull my hand from his and roll over, resting my chin on his chest. Looking like a child, I demand, "If there's no syrup we're over."

Theo lets out a laugh before squeezing my side indicating that I should sit up. Both finally upright, he says, "It's your apartment, you're responsible for the syrup."

Rolling my eyes I get out of bed and motion Theo to follow me. Going straight to my cupboard filled with my favorite foods, I gleefully pick up the syrup before looking over my shoulder at Theo.

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