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        "What up boss, I got two oil changes for you as soon as your break is finished" Donte, one of the mechanics slightly pressed open the office door to reveal K-Dot.

He looked up from his cheese steak and nodded, just to be left alone a few moments later. The time read 3:30, and he was glad it was a Saturday because that meant he was closing up shop early. As always, he had plans on the weekend to chill with his homies and he couldn't wait to get a drink in his system. Feeling his phone vibrate, he looked down to see his girl calling.

"What up babe?" He answered, still stuffing the food in his mouth.
"What I tell you about smacking in my ear?" She immediately sucked her teeth.
"I can hang up if you want" he laughed to himself, wiping his face with his napkin "What you want, Big head?"
"I'm at your job"
"Right now?" He asked looking out of his small office window. It was a tiny corner in the even tinier shop, but it was all his legally. He was hoping to one day be able to afford a bigger one,  and he knew he would get it from the muscle.
"Yes, right now" Tiana mimicked him.

K-Dot rolled his eyes and stood to his feet, making his way out of the cramped office. His tall frame bent underneath the door, and he immediately spotted Tiana in the sitting area. A few cars were being worked on in the garage, so the loud ambiance caused him to usher her outside.

"I told you I hate when you wear those" was the first thing Tiana said, referring to his dickie set.
"Girl, I'm at work" he shook his head, "Anyway, wassup I told you I get off at six"

Tiana smiled sweetly, and that told him she wanted something. He licked his lips, enjoying the view of her pretty freckled face and light brown hair although she irked him. The two had only been dating for six months, however he liked the preppy chick from Upper Darby that actually had a head on her shoulders.
"Can you drop me off home please? I just came from work and I'm not trying to take the L all the way to 69th street" she pouted.
"I can't babe, it's busy today. I already got two cars lined up" he shrugged, "How about I pay for your Lyft?"
"No, I just got out of a Lyft" she refused, "They drive slow and they never know the damn directions. Just get Daniel or whatever the hell his name is to do it"
K-Dot huffed, next kissing his teeth.
"Man, this is why I told yo ass to get ya permit. I can't pick you up and drop you off every where Tiana" he said turning back into the shop.
Tiana smiled to herself, just glad that she would be getting her way. She knew it was Saturday which meant most likely K-Dot would be going out with his boys, so she secretly wanted him to leave work early so she could get her time in. It was bad enough that the two lived damn near forty minutes apart and both worked full time jobs, leaving their couple time to only a few times per week.
"Donte, I need you to do those two oil changes bro while I drop her off. Marcus ain't picking his whip up until tomorrow so I'll just come in early to finish it" he directed his top mechanic.
The man nodded, doing as his boss told him and moving onto the next car.

K-dot grabbed his keys from his office, next meeting Tiana near his Blue Camaro. He unlocked  it with the click of the button on his key and the couple climbed in. As always, the first thing to turn on was his music, his choice of tunes today being Mizzy Corleone, one of his favorite Philly rappers. He went to turn the music up louder, only for Tiana to turn it right back down.

"You know I am not driving with you while you play that hood ass music" she rolled her eyes, "I don't even know why you tried"
"You act bout boojie as shit, I told you about that" K-Dot rolled his eyes. He opted for the radio instead, since Tiana seemed to always have a problem with everything that he did. He pulled off in a hurry, ready to get her out of his car as fast as her ass got in. He was driving reckless as always, and Tiana immediately reached for her seatbelt for the crazy ride. She pulled the belt over her shoulder, only to halt when she saw something pushed into the cushion of the seat.
"What is this?" She speculated, pulling the lipgloss from his hidden spot.
K-Dot glanced over, "Fenty beauty?" He raised his eyebrow, "the shit you wear"
"Not the brand dumb ass, whose lip gloss is it cause it sure ain't mine" she snapped.
K-Dot suddenly remembered lending Armani his car, and cursed himself for not checking to make sure she didn't leave anything behind.
"Oh, it's probably Jay's I dropped her off to work yesterday" he lied as he pinned the gloss on his older sister.

While he considered Armani family, he knew better than to tell Tiana that he allowed her to push his whip.
"Mhhh Okay" Tiana said putting it down in the cup holder. She slit her eyes at her boyfriend, looking him over for any signs of a lie however K-Dot stayed cool and collected. He kept his vision straight, as he could feel the stares without even having to look her way.
"Mannn I knew I was going to run into this shit" K-Dot said once he hopped on the express way and saw it completely backed up. He was hoping to get back to the office before the day was up, but seeing the traffic he knew it would take a hour minimum just to drop Tiana off. After calling his shop to let them know to just lock up after they were done, he sat back and endured the irritatingly slow ride.

       Once he finally dropped Tiana off and chilled for a short while, he was finally on the way to big Muh's to meet up with his bro's. Muh was like a second pops to him, so it wasn't foreign for the three friends to spend their time kicking it with the older man who swore he was still in his twenties.
Pulling up to the large Victorian home, he spotted Armani and her girlfriend on the porch going in on some seafood. He was glad that she was there so he could return what almost got his ass in trouble. Grabbing the lipgloss, he hopped out and made his way up the steps. He made a note of the slim girl that sat across from her, staring him down as his long legs climbed step after step.
"Wassup Mani" he gave her a nod, and then one to her friend.
"Wassup Bro" she said not taking an eye off of her crab legs.
"I think you left something" he revealed the Lip gloss in his hand.
Armani looked up only to shake her head, "That's not mine"
"Oh, that would be mine" her friend smirked awkwardly as she put her hand out, "I was looking for that"
K-Dot didn't hesitate to hand it over.
"You almost got a nigga in trouble, my girl saw that shit" he said looking down on her, "Be careful, next time"
She nodded, and before he could go in Armani stopped him.
"Next I can borrow your car again?" She smiled deviously.

K-Dot shrugged as he wore a slight smirk, "Maybe"
  Before going in, he couldn't help but give her a once over as she put her eyes down and began to eat her food once more. The man in him couldn't help but look at her exposed thighs, that were thick as hell compared to her small mid section as they bust through her sweat shorts. He didn't remember Mani ever being that thick, as just last year she was much smaller. He caught himself, next finally entering the house to greet his friends.

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