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           K-Dot pulled up to the large home that was adorned in the grey mosaic bricks, and turned into the drive way as Armani instructed. He couldn't be any more nervous, but tried his best to play it off as the two took the short drive to the neighborhood city. As far as he could tell Armani's second home was beautiful, and he couldn't understand why she would rather live in Philly than in the lavish home.

"Okay, so before we go in. Do not take offense to anything she says, she has no filter what so ever and she runs off of like four hours of sleep a day. She's a workaholic, which also means we'll have the house to ourselves for the next...three long days" Armani sighed.

While she loved her mom to death, she knew she was a hand full.

"I got this babe, moms love me" K-Dot smiled handsomely, checking his teeth out in the mirror.

"That's just it..Jocelyn isn't most moms. But let's get this over with" Armani said hopping out out of the car.
Since she couldn't drive her new Lexus she gave K-Dot the permission to, because the two definitely didn't want to wait another two months to test drive the beauty. K-Dot hopped out as well and grabbed their duffle bags out of the trunk. Armani used her house key to enter, and the two were immediately welcomed with the smell of breakfast. K-Dot damn near floated to the kitchen from the aroma of French toast, and his stomach began to growl.

"She read my mind" he said rubbing his stomach.

"Mom! I'm home" Armani shouted dropping their bags on the freshly waxed floor.

Instead of her mom, two brown Pomeranian's raced down the steps at the sound of her voice. She smiled and began to pet them, and seconds later her mom came strutting down the stairs in her all black blazer and pants set. Her long hair was freshly dyed as always, and this time she had a mix of brown and blonde highlights through her dark brow tresses, framing her pretty face. Chanel glasses sat at the top of her head, and as always she matched her accessories, her watch, bag and shoes all from the same designer.

"I like this, who did it" Jocelyn asked, immediately noting Armani's new platinum do.

"Some girl at the shop, but we can talk about that later. Mom, Kayan, Kayan, Mom" she said hurrying and getting the ordeal over with.

"How you doin Ms. Lovell?" K-Dot smiled, and Jocelyn complimented his smile in her head.

"I'm doing great, and yourself?" She asked, still sizing him up.

She was sure that she was making the young man uncomfortable, however she didn't care as she continued to create mental lists in her head as always. Tall, that was a plus because that meant he would have tall babies aka athletes. Clear skin and most importantly almost completely straight teeth that looked to be in good health, and not to mention he kept his nail's clean. While he definitely gave off a street vibe in the all Black timbs and designer bubble jacket, she didn't read him as ignorant, as his manners were there so far. The two had only exchanged a few words, however she liked how he carried all of Armani's bags and made sure she didn't lift a finer. Keeper, dinged off in her head.

"I'm great, you have a really nice house" he said gawking at the beautiful entry way.

Sure, everyone back home had nice houses too, but Jocelyn's looked like it stepped straight out of a magazine.

"Thank you, me and Armani decorated it together" she shared, "My little interior designer. But anyway, I have to go, the shop opens up in thirty minutes and you know New Years Eve is days away. Mario made breakfast, and it's in the kitchen. When I get home maybe we can do dinner?" Jocelyn finished, slightly feeling bad she couldn't welcome her daughter and her boyfriend properly.

ARMANI|UNDECIDEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang