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Third Person POV

Sato had already left the apartment for work. Again, Y/n was alone, but she wasn't scared anymore.

Sato had been working for a while. His income was almost very close to achieving his dream. His dream of escaping this wretched place with Y/n and marry.

Sato's friend came near him.

"Sato! After all this fuss, let's go downtown and pick up some chicks! Just like the old days!" His friend exclaimed.

Sato shook his head.

"Sorry Shouko, I'm done fooling around with girls. I already found the girl of my dreams." Sato said in a dreamy smile, as he wiped a table.

"Ehhh?!? You got yourself in a stable relationship already?!" Shouko asked.

"Yep! We even are living together too!" Sato said, smiling even wider.

"Wow. You sure don't waste your time." Shouko said, dumbfounded.

"That's why. I'm working for her." Sato said, looking down at the table, that he was wiping.

"You got yourself a broke chic? Shouko asked. Very curious of his friend's lover.

"No. She's too young to work. And I don't want anyone looking at her, except me." Sato said. His happy tone, suddenly becoming grim.

"So ...you got yourself a loli? Dang, you hit yourself a jackpot, Sato." Should said. His voice sounding happy for his friend.

"A loli?" Sato raised his eyebrows. Then he remembered Y/n's small features. Her cute little lips. Her wide (eye/color) eyes.
Her soft hair, that Sato fixes every night, before they both went to bed.

Sato's face reddened.

Shouko found himself envying his friend.

"He already found someone that was meant for him .... meanwhile...I, still found no one."

Both of the boys' shift ended, and they both parted ways.

Sato returned home in a hurry, while Shouko went the other way.

Shouko walked on the dark streets. He stopped to see a pamphlet that was sticking in a lamp post. Shouko studied the missing pamphlet.

Y/n L/n
Age: (your age)
Height: (your height)
If found, please contact
Missing since last month

Shouko looked at the missing girl's picture on the top of the pamphlet.

She had cute, small little lips.
Her wide, (e/c) eyes shone.
Her (h/c/ hair color) hair was tied up in two fluffy pig tails.

Shouko found himself drooling at the sight of the girl in the picture.

"She.... she's perfect!" Shouko said, ripping the pamphlet from the lamp post.

Shouko buried his nose on the picture. His saliva dripping on the picture.

Shouko teared himself away from the paper.

"I wonder where she is?"
"I wonder what she smells like?"
Shouko said walking home.

The next day, Sato found his friend working, while smiling to himself non-stop.

"Shouko? Why'd you look so happy? Did something good happen?" Sato asked.

"Yep! I found the love of my life!" Shouko said happily.

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