Chapter 6- The Time has Come

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Few minutes after Shuichi and Y/N cheered me up the teacher stepped in and class started like the usual I would only listen for a bit and space out. After an hour, which seemed like a moment Y/N poked me to let me know that class is over and we went pur next class and the cycle repeated until it was finally lunch time.
I walked to the Cafiteria and sat at a table with Y/N and Tsumugi. Unfortunately, Shuichi-kun had to sit with his partners from a group project in his art class namely: Idiot and Assasin-chan. What a shame really.

"Hey Y/N-san, there's something I how to talk about..."

"Is it the prank?"

"Well yes, it's just that I feel bad for Shuichi.."

"Don't worry remember what I told you? He won't believe it. And if he does I'll get him back to you"
Apparrently Tsumugi just listened to our conversation and decided to join.

"Well, if that's gonna happen I wanna help too!"

"Wow, thanks guys, you're really good friends!"

"Don't worry we're here for you!"
Y/N then proceeded to put her/his arm on my shoulder to reassure me.

"Yup it's true" Shirogane-san said giving me a gentle smile.

It's great to have such good friends like them.

"Welp hurry up! Class starts soon"

After we finished eating we went to class again, and of course that cycle I mentoned earlier continues until after class. That was the time it's going to happen. The time where my relationship may be at risk. The prank. After class, I ran straight to Y/N and Tsumugi.

"You guys know what to do."
They nodded in agreement. Tsumugi then called Shuichi-kun then I went to the back of the school feeling tense. Y/N was there to help me explain to Shuichi if he believes me or she sends Tsumugi to explain then she goes cheer me up. Then after a few minutes he came.

"Hey Kokichi, is there something you wanted to tell me?"
I tried my best to focus on those words. Alright just like what we practiced.

"Well, Shuichi we're...... we're breaking up."

After I said those words I froze their in silence, then Shuichi spoke probably trying to process what I said.
"Don't give me that! I've seen the way you've looked at Kaede!"
"And you seem to pretty distant nowadays."
When I said those things I already regreted what was happening. I could see Tsumugi and Y/N looking from behind they looked worried and terified. Then right when I was about to say it was a joke Shuichi spoke.
"Is that so th- then? Well mind if you explain why you always hangout with Y/N?"
Oh shit. It's happening.
"And why you always seem to be a down when I'm around?"
"N-no I.."
I tired my best not to cry. Maybe he knows it's just a prank and he's just going with it? As I looked at Tsumugi and Y/N from afar they were visibly shaking, eyes-widened. They realized what was going to happen. Shuichi continued speaking.

"So is this relationship of ours just a lie? One of your pranks? Ouma?"

OUMA? He didn't call me by my first name he called me by my last name. I could see Y/N on the ground kneeling, eyes filled with tears. Tsumugi trying to cheer up Y/N with tears in her eyes too.

I stumbled back. I looked at his ayes and saw pain,agony and anger.
"W-wait Shuichi let me explai-"
"You don't have the right to call me Shuichi."
Wh-what? He hates m-me now. Before I knew it tears filled my eyes. He believed it, I knew it.

"Stop that, your fake tears won't work anymore."

I can't stop it. I CAN'T!

"Or do you suddenly regret breaking up with me? Well it's done we broke up"
"Your alone Ouma, you always will be."
Once I heard that sentence. It kept echoing in my mind.
" stop......NO....THIS ISN'T REAL!"
I stared at the ground freaking out before running away to the boy's bathroom. I've done it. I ruined my realtionship, for the 3rd time....

Shuichi's POV

That bastard. He just played with me. Now that I think about it, it was probably for the best. Maybe I should confess to Kaede? She is a nice person and kind of pretty and I mean I broke up with Ouma, maybe I should. Alright I'll confess to her now. I turn around only to see Y/N and Tsumugi in tears, I guess they saw it. When I walked passed them I heard one of them say this most probably Y/N;"Tsumugi go explain to Shuichi and I'll cheer up okay?". Explain? Explain what? Oh whatever. Well at this time Kaede should be in her lab. Alright Shuichi you can do this.

I was walking to Kaede's lab, but then Y/N run past me. What's with all of this explaining thing? Ouma crying? That's unlike him? Maybe I should've listened to his explanation..... but then again it could've just been something to break my heart. I walked to Kaede's lab, spacing out then Kaito and Rantaro passed by I'm guessing Kaito's here to remind me that we're going to the gym together tomorrow.

"Oh hey Shuichi!"
Both of them greeted me.

"Hey remember bro, we're going to the gym tomorrow, anyways what are doing here? Shouldn't you be with Ouma or something?"
"Yeah, what did happen something up between you two?"
Huh. I wonder how they're going to react when I say that I broke up with Kokichi? Well I can trust them..

"Well you see, I broke up with Kokichi."

They both started frowning, their eyes widening, we were in silence for at least 10 seconds.
Kaito decided to break up the silence first.

"You broke up with Kokichi like as in?"

"Yeah why you ask? "

"Well you see Saihara you know Kaito is Ouma's ex right?"

I nodded.

"To put it plainly, I'm uhh........ also Kokichi's ex.."

I tilted my head in confusion. What? He dumped them too?

"Wh-what? You mean he broke up with you too?"

"It's more like I broke up with him, you see my parents are homophobic and they threatened to disown me."

So Ouma already experienced this. Well it was his choice this time, so I'll leave him.

"Well anyways guys thanks for telling me about your history with Ouma, I'm gonna go to Kaede."


Rantaro said unsure of how to feel. He might suspect me of confessing to Kaede.

So I went on my way to Kaede's lab. I hope she accepts my confession.

Author's note

Oof this probably a bad chapter... none of it is probably even sad welp I tried....

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