Twenty Eight

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Jungkook shut his eyes, willing his tears to go away as Yoongi began to kiss down from his shoulder, over his clothed chest. Hoseok ran his hands over Jungkook’s hips as well.

The touches weren’t sexual in any way, both of the men knew that Jungkook wasn’t nearly ready for anything of the sort. They were gentle, loving touches, touches that showed they didn’t care what kind of body Jungkook had, they didn’t care what he looked like, they didn’t care if he was tall, if he had a lot of muscle or not, if he was masculine or not. They wanted to show him the raw care they had for him as a person, and that his shell didn’t matter to them. That they wanted the real him, the him that wasn’t hiding behind the fear of being rejected by others simply because of the way he looked.

Jungkook laid there, his eyes shut as he inhaled sharp and shaky breaths every time he felt Hoseok’s hands running softly over his body, Yoongi’s mouth leaving light touches across his chest.

But he panicked when he felt hands gently grabbing at his shirt, tugging it upwards slightly. His hands blindly fumbled out, slapping away the hands as his arms went to block his abdomen protectively.

Hoseok’s breath danced across Jungkook’s ear softly as he leaned in. “It’s okay, bun. Trust us.” Jungkook shook his head hesitantly, refusing. Yoongi kissed the back of his neck reassuringly, his hands moving down to covers Jungkook’s, gently pulling them away from their defensive position. “We won’t think any less of you bun. Please...let us show you. Trust us.”

Jungkook exhaled, a small sob escaping his throat. He wasn’t ready. He’d never be ready. He didn’t want to. He didn’t want them to see, to be disgusted. They were only being nice, now. But when they saw, they would change their minds in a heartbeat. Jungkook didn’t want them to be disgusted. He was too attached. He liked them too much...he loved them too much.

Hoseok knew that Jungkook had reached his limit. That he was done, he couldn’t go any further.

So he glanced at Yoongi and shook his head, the other male getting the message instantly. He let go of Jungkook arms and let him press them to his abdomen again, curling into a ball. “Shhh…” Yoongi whispered. “It’s okay, bun. We won’t push you if you aren’t ready. Just know that you will never, ever be disgusting to us in anyway, and we will never think any less of you for the way you are.”


“Jungkookie?” Jimin looked up from the spot he was seated at as his brother entered the room. Jimin was instantly hit with a small feeling of guilt, knowing that he hadn’t spent nearly as much time with his younger brother as he should have. He’d been so busy nowadays with Namjoon and Jaebum that he’d forgotten about Jungkook a little, and the more he thought of it, the more guilt ripped through his chest.

What a horrible brother he was.

Jungkook instantly ran into Jimin, the older pulling his brother closer in the hug and kissing the top of his head as his brother suddenly burst into tears. Jimin was panicking a little, unsure of what had caused such a moment of weakness for his brother. Jungkook was not known to cry much, it had been ingrained into him at such a young age that crying was a weakness and that he shouldn’t. He would be punished for it.

It was only the third time that he’d ever seen Jungkook cry, although he was no aware of the many times the young prince had spent lonely nights with his pillow, wetting the sheets with his sadness.

“Jungkookie...What is wrong? What has happened to you to make you so sad?” Jimin asked gently, his hand moving up to caress his brother’s hair, trying to calm down the near hysteric prince. “Please brother, won’t you tell Hyung your troubles?”

“You will think me weak.”

“Of course not.” Jimin quickly dismissed that statement. “I will never think of you as weak, Jungkookie. You are one of the strongest people I know, and don’t you ever let yourself believe otherwise. Now, won’t you tell me what troubles you?”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“You do not know what to do for what, Kookie?”

“H-Hyung…why does it hurt so much? Why does his words still cling to me? Why does her face plague my mind every time I shut my eyes? Why does it make me feel guilty, like I am betraying them? Why? Why must I suffer, even after they are gone?” Jungkook began to ramble off more and more nonsense, his words becoming almost unrecognizable as the prince dissolved into yet another fit of tears. Jimin looked down at him sadly, continuing to pet his hair, for even if it was difficult to understand the riddles coming from his brother’s mouth, deep down he knew what his brother was saying, what troubled him, what was hurting him.

Even after all this time his father still haunted Jungkook. His mother, Lisa. The people who did nothing but hurt them their whole lives still haunted Jungkook, made him feel bad for being happy, for being who he is, for finding people who cared for him and accepting them. The image of his father, stern and cold still lingered within him, telling him that he was weak, and that he could never be a good heir or son unless he were to act a certain way, look a certain way, be more powerful than the rest, be smarter, stronger, better.

His mother still lingered within him. Her cold words telling him that he was weak for wanting to cling to her so. As a young child she scorned Jungkook as Jimin was still the prized son. She called Jungkook weak for simply seeking the comfort of his mother at the age of ten. She called him useless that he would run crying to her when he had fallen and scratched himself while playing. Chastised him when he would want to go and sit by the pond with the girls, rather than roughhouse with the boys. Sneer at him when he would blush and grow nervous around girls growing up, as puberty and hormones hit him like a truck.

Lisa still lingered within him, the woman whom he had loved. The woman who had captured him into her spell, weaved a web of lies and fed them to him. Trapped him in her web and played nice, batting her eyelashes, making him feel loved, giving him the love and care he so craved from someone. Comforting him when he was sad, only to turn around and stab him in the back. Use him for her own gains.

They lingered within his mind, drowning him in torment. Their words and actions hurting him more now that they were gone, as they no longer could control him, yet they did. Jimin knew that his brother was suffering, but only now did he realize just how much. His heart ached for his younger brother, crying in his arms.

And the only thing he could do was continue to rock him back and forth. And hope that someone would be able to give his brother everything he deserved one day.

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