Thirty Three

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They had spent the day celebrating Jimin's birthdays. Namjoon and the others had taken them out into the city to enjoy the festival, and for the first time in years, the people got to see who the new royal family was….

And the princes of the old.

But the people seemed to be content with the princes. They’d been told that the common people hated them, that they’d been shrouded in an image of greed and tyranny like their father was.

But they were relieved to know that that was not the case. They were accepted into open arms, dancing with the children at the town square, being fed by local vendors, and just spending the day together.

Jimin was delighted to receive gifts from some of the people, too. Children would make flower crowns for him, telling him that they were the only thing that could match his beauty.

Jimin had playfully pouted until they told him he was indeed, still more beautiful than any flower, which earned the queen’s beautiful giggled and an extra dance as the children requested.

But as the sun started to go down, the people began to go home, pack up for the day. Jimin and the others were whisked away to go and prepare for the ball that night with the other half of the kingdom. The nobles, the lords, the ladies, everyone who didn’t want to go to the city to celebrate with the common people.

Jimin prepared with Namjoon, putting on beautiful silk robes, making sure to keep his necklace Namjoon had gifted him on, refusing any other ornament on his body, besides the bracelet his brother had gotten him as well.

They meant more to him, and he didn’t need fancy decorations on him.


Jungkook was enjoying the party…

But Yoongi and Hoseok had abandoned him some time in the night...well not abandoned, but they’d been dragged away by some random court ladies to dance, leaving the young prince on his own.

Namjoon and Jimin hadn’t left the dance floor all night, so engrossed into each other, that Jungkook didn’t even think to interrupt them, just so that he would have someone to talk to. He wasn’t that selfish.

He decided that even though he wanted to stay to celebrate Jimin's birthday, the queen wouldn’t even notice if he turned in for the night.

So he turned and walked out of the great hall, wandering through the dimly lit halls towards his room. But he stopped walking when he heard footsteps behind him.

He turned, finding a noble he didn’t recognize walking towards him. “Prince Jungkook.”

“I’m not a prince anymore.” Jungkook said kindly, as it was true, his official title had been stripped when his father had died, even if it had not been said.

“You are the sole heir of the throne, the true ruler of this kingdom, your majesty.” The noble bowed to him, and Jungkook recoiled, stepping away from the man in shock.

“Excuse me?” He asked, his tone incredulous. “Kim Namjoon is the king, and he is a good king.”

“You do not have to lie to me, your majesty. I know that you are king, and I only bow to your bloodline, not the imposter, the menace who sits on the throne now. He has no claim.”

“He is married to my brother, first born. He has every right to the throne.”

“You were the heir.” The man hissed. “Your brother should be dead. He is useless and merely being used by the imposter. are the only one who belongs on the throne. And I can help you. If you would let me, your majesty.”

“N-no!” Jungkook exclaimed, stepping back. “I do not want to be king. Namjoon is king, and he will remain king.”

“Very well.” The noble sneered. “But Kim Namjoon and your whore of a brother will have what is coming for them.”

Jungkook watched as the man turned and walked off into the shadows. He thought of calling for the man, but a hand on his shoulder suddenly had him jumping. He whipped around, his eyes wide.

Standing there, in front of him, was a man he had seen very little of.


“Do not listen to him. They are but empty threats.” The man said, eyeing the retreating figure of the man as well. “But it is good to know where your loyalties lay, Jungkook. I am glad to have not been disappointed.”

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