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Disciplinary action committee.

The most boring 'party' you have ever attended.

Basically a meeting held to expel you from the school.

"As you might already know, Your inappropiate behaviour inside the school property was the reason you were called here." The principal announced. "Do you have anything to say for your defence?"

"I do but I don't think it'll make much of a difference right now." You spoke as you glared down at your so called 'aunt'.

"This right here. This is the kind of behaviour that leaves me no choice but to have you straight out expelled."

"Yeah yeah but can you even do that? I mean do you even have the authority to expel a student?"

"Excuse me, I'm the principal of this school and I believe that the position does give me that type of authority."

"Not for long." You mumbled to yourself.

"Let's just get this meeting started and over with." Your father, who was also a member of the committee spoke.

"Ofcourse." Your aunt smiled.

"As you all already know, recently there are these photos and stories going around the media and it has been brought to our attention that our students were involved in this incident. And by students, I mean the student sitting before us, miss y/n and Jungkook who couldn't attend todays meeting."

"So you're telling me that I'm the only one being punished here? Why? The photo clearly showed both of us so why the descrimination?" You spoke up

"She's right. Why isn't the other kid here?" Your dad spoke up as well, supporting you.

"He had recently gotten in a car accident and is still under the recovery stage."

"That's bullshit." You snapped

"Mind your language kid."

"But I'm not saying he won't be punished. I do agree that he was just as equally responsible as y/n so hence we will also be discussing his punishment as well and we do have his father, Mr. Jeon joining us today to take full responsibility."

"but he isn't the only one missing, is he?" You smirked

"What do you mean?"

"That." You pointed at the empty chair beside the principal. "The chairman, where is he?" You sat up straighter and glared at her. "Or should I say, where is she? The chairwoman.........?" You said in a mocking tone.

"The chairman doesn't have time to attend small meetings like this."

"Small? So you consider this matter as something small, Madam principal?" Your dad spoke

"N-no, ofcourse not. I just don't agree it to be a matter of discussion. The involved students should be expelled with no doubt."

"So you just want to get me expelled without even trying to find out the truth? Talk about unproffesionalism." You taunted.

"The girls right." Your father put his hands up, completely agreeing with whatever bullshit you were trying to prove.

"That's why we are here. To find out the truth. Though i don't believe it makes a difference. I saw the photos and i personally believe there's no other explaination to it."

"And what might be your explaination for the photo?"

"All I saw was two students being somewhere where they were not supposed to be and probably doing something they were not supposed to do."

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now