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Jennie's POV

I was currently en route to Lisa's apartment, thanks to the text my dad had sent me earlier. He had inquired if I was at work, and upon hearing that I was at my penthouse, he had requested that I pick up Lisa from her apartment. My father, being the overprotective and cautious man he was, had taken it upon himself to conduct a background check on Lisa, which had apparently yielded unfavorable results. He insisted that it was in her best interest to stay with me instead.

Initially, I had rebuffed the idea of having a stranger in my luxurious private space, let alone being tasked with the responsibility of babysitting her. But my father was not one to back down easily. He had resorted to blackmail, threatening to withhold my announcement as the heir on Saturday if I did not comply with his request.

I was seated in the back of the car, being driven to Lisa's place by Mr. Kang. As we drove, he began to fill me in on some of the details of Lisa's background. "Miss Kim, we conducted a thorough background check on Lisa, and it appears that she has been facing a lot of hardships in her life. That's likely why she took the deal," he informed me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes in disbelief. "So, she needs money, does she?" I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I peered out of the window.

Mr. Kang continued, "Yes, her parents passed away when she was only twelve years old. She had to stay with her best friend's family until she turned eighteen." His words were so unexpected that I turned to look at him with a poker face, trying to hide the shock that had hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Her family died?"

Mr. Kang nodded, his eyes filled with pity. "And after she finally moved out, she worked tirelessly in various jobs, studying during the day and working at night. She even worked on weekends," he said with a heavy heart.

As we pulled over at a busy location, Mr. Kang quickly hopped out of the car and opened the door for me. I noticed the guards who had been trailing us in another vehicle had also exited their car and were now positioned around us, their eyes scanning the area for any potential threats. The sudden attention we were receiving from the passersby made me uncomfortable, and I could feel their curious gazes lingering on us.

We made our way inside the building, and Mr. Kang led me to the stairs. Upon seeing the stairs, I immediately protested, "I won't take those damn stairs, Mr. Kang," crossing my arms over my chest in defiance.

Mr. Kang sighed, "I'm sorry, Miss Kim, but it's the only way. This building doesn't have elevators since the rent here is quite cheap. Lisa's room is on the third floor, so we have to take the stairs."

I groaned in frustration and reluctantly followed him up the stairs, my heels clicking loudly against each step

Once we reached the third floor, Mr. Kang knocked on Lisa's door, and I eagerly accepted the handkerchief he offered to wipe the sweat from my forehead. We heard Lisa's muffled voice from inside, indicating that she was hurrying to let us in.

As the door opened, I couldn't help but notice Lisa's immediate bow, showing respect to each of us individually, including the guards.

"Please come in. What brings you here?" she asked, inviting us inside.

As I entered her apartment, followed by my guards, I looked around, taking in the humble surroundings. It was clear that she was struggling.

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