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After a couple of weeks when I confessed to Jennie she became more careful to me now. Though she's still bitchy somehow... Or more like she's just used on using words that come out bitchy but if you're me then you'll probably fine with it already. Also since then, she made sure to drop me off of school and she suggests that we won't go separate ways towards our things if not that needed. She also let 4 guards stand a couple of meters away from me so that I won't feel guarded but I still am. It's not suffocating, I'm more relieved actually and this time I felt really good about it.

I'm currently in the hallways when I felt my phone vibrates so I grab it and answered it

"Hey, my favorite person how are you doing? " a smile immediately made its way to my face when I heard Jackson's voice. I haven't seen him in a while tho. I went inside the restroom leaving the guards behind since they can't go in also.

"Ya! Jackson Wang is it funny to not be around for a long time? " I said yelling at him since I'm probably the only one here in the restroom

"I was in China but I'm back already " he said making me chuckle "I'm 10 minutes away from your school I'll pick you up so we can have lunch yeah? " he said so I said yes and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket as I grab my comb to fix my bangs. I went inside a cubicle to pee when I heard footsteps outside so I just stayed quiet since I locked the door anyway

"My mom hasn't found a job yet" a girl says making me listen... That's so sad, it's hard when your mom doesn't have a job and she's doing everything to find one for her family

"Neither does my dad...if only they weren't fired on that bullshit kind of company " the other said and I get up to start fixing my pants and all

"It's Lisa's fault. You know what she's a fucking gold digger" my eyebrows furrowed as I heard my name and I stayed there just listening to their conversation. Why was I even included in their conversation

"Yeah right? I don't even know what Jennie saw in her when she just has pathetic bangs since freshman no wonder she's being a gold digger cause she's just as poor as a rat... Or even poorer than a rat" how dare they insult my bangs? What the fuck

I stayed there since I can still control myself when it comes to insulting my bangs.

"But that Jennie didn't show mercy and just kicked our parents out of her company just because my mom slapped Lisa " oh so it's her mom... Huh, no wonder they're both insulting my bangs "that's just so not fair" the girl said. I stayed there thinking that they will probably leave anytime soon

"You know what... Why don't we put it out on the media that Jennie is a slut" the other girl said making me furrow more as I put my bag down slowly so they won't hear me

"She is a fucking slut.. Do you know that she hangs out more with their so-called business partner Kim Jongin than her girlfriend" she said and they started laughing. I pull off my trench coat as well and put it on top of my bag

"I won't even think twice if they're fucking behind Lisa's back" before they can even laugh I walked out of the cubicle and throw a punch towards the girl's face and she immediately stumbled back and when I'm about to go for the other girl she immediately kicked me with her heels... What the fuck is she planning to stab me?

"What the fuck are you doing here you gold digger! " she said and she pulls my hair while the other girl stood up and I can saw her broken nose... That suits her best.

"Lock the door" the girl who's holding my hair said and the other girl closed and locked it and walk towards the side with the staff cleaning material as she grabs the mop and immediately hit me with it making me groan in pain.

"Miss Manoban are you alright? " a guy said from behind the locked door... Probably one of the security...I was about to say something when the girl gripping my hair punched me straight into my face making me fall back

"You should fix your pathetic bangs" she said making me glare at her. The other girl grin towards me and I immediately punched her on her face making her fall back taking her grip out of my hair so my head falls back to hit the tiles making me groan in pain.

"Miss Manoban open up the door" the security said again

The girl holding the mop swing it down towards me again and it hit my arm making me groan in more pain... What the fuck are they psycho?

"Lisa! Lisa!! " Jackson's loud voice came out from behind the door as they kept knocking so hard

"Fuck we're dead" the girl that I punched said and look over at her

"Beat her up more... They can expel us at least we took revenge for our parents " she said making the other girl nod and the banging on the door gets more intense while they continue hitting me with that mop multiple times. I can't do anything since I'm in a lot of pain.

Suddenly the door opened and Jackson walks in and I can see that he's about to punch the two girls when he saw me but the securities held him back. Two of the securities escort the girl out with their hands on the back of their head while the other two security helped me

"Lisa... What did they do to you" he said in almost a whisper as he lifts me and the securities escort us towards the parking lot so they can drive me to the hospital

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