The Encounter

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Juniper POV

"Hey, your Juniper right? My name is Madelane. My mom told me about you." She said sheepishly.

She had soft grundge look, her hair was blue black, she had blue eyes and had my same height.

I smiled sweetly at her.
"Yeah, Im Juniper and your mom's the best. Its nice to meet you, Madelane" I told her as we walked into the building.

I looked around, suddenly feeling watched.

"Well, let's get started, shall we? I'd like to welcome you to your first ever meeting, how exciting!" Madelane said.

I frowned as my instincts told me something was wrong. I shrugged and shook of the feeling as I followed Madelane inside the room where we were supposed to have the session.

The room was partly empty, with maroon colored walls. In the very middle of the empty shaped box, there were five chairs placed in a semi circle. Madelane sat down and I coudin't help but stare uneasily. Something weird was going on and I felt like somoene was trying to tell me something.

"Umm, where is everybody?" I asked, turning towards her.

"Oh! They should be here soon, very soon." She said in a creepy voice and I gave her an uneasy look.

"Okay then..." Something was wrong, very wrong.

"First times can be overwhelming. But don't worry, you'll do perfect. Every piece will soon fall into place." She said, smiling at me, her eyes losing there friendliness, replaced with clear, utter madness. I gulped.

She looked and sounded like she was possessed.

"Yeah, um, you know what? I think it's best if I go home." I said, backing away and looking for the door. Which had disappeared.

Well shit.

"Oh Juniper, why would you want to leave? The fun has just begun." She said tauntingly.

I watched as she became a shadow right before my eyes. A black shadow reflected on the floor. It was like watching a vampire with no reflection but backwards, it was a shadow without a person.

"Take a seat, Juniper. Father will be here very soon." Madelane's deteriorated voice said. But it wasent Madelane anymore, it was something else.

"Who are you?" I said, prepared to kick anyone's ass, shadow, or no shadow.

"My name is Amy, Father's wife." She said, sounding proud, as she circled me.

"Who's Father? What the hell's going on?" I asked.

She scoffed and her shadow turned to me. "He was right, you ask too many questions." She thrusted her hand towards me and felt myself being tugged forward, falling to the hard floor and landing on my face.

I hissed as I felt something burn my whole arm. I stood up slowly on my knees to see that I had some kind of metal whip with these spikes that dug through my shirt and into my skin. It was curled around my arm, both top and bottom.

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