
18 1 0

*Trigger Warning*

We made sure to leave the place intact.

Let me rephrase that:
We made sure it didn't look like a crime scene, or like someone had slashed their wrist in the middle of the room.
Yeah, that type of intact.

We snuck into the nurse's and Tyler helped clean me up. We hadn't talked. Like at all. The atmosphere was tense and I hated it. As he cleaned the blood from my face, hands and arms, I decided to try small talk.

"How did you find me up there?" I asked.

"My curiosity as to where you dissapeard to got the best of me. I followed you. And since I'm such a great spy-"

"Stalker." I corrected, then clamped my mouth shut.

A tiny smile made its way onto his lips.

"I almost blew my cover." He said and I nodded.

"Oh I heard." I said then hissed slightly as I moved my hand away.

He looked up in concern.
"You okay?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah." I gave out a painful sigh.
"It just burned for a second."

He chuckled lightly.
"Its just water silly." He said as he cleaned the cuts on my wrist. I cringed in my head, but hey, no other way to say it.

"Aren't you supposed to use hydrogen peroxide? " I asked, trying to get my mind of what had just happened.

He shook his head no as he wrapped my wrist in a sheet of paper towel.

"It will irritate the skin, plus these weren't deep enough. Fortanetly." He said the last part to himself and I gladly ignored it.

"Oh." Was all I said.

He didn't say anything as he moved closer to me and to start wiping the dried blood from my face.

"Don't know why you were bleeding up here though. It must have been a piece of glass that scraped the skin." He said as he examined my forehead, specifically where my hair started.

"I don't see anything but then again, Im no doctor." He said as he softly passed a wet paper towel over my face.

"Yeah but right now, your the only thing I've got." I murmured even though im pretty sure he heard.

His breath smelled like mint.
Yeah, that's how close he was.

I coudint help but stare at those nature green eyes.

"How did you come into my life?" I asked softly, my words laced with double meaning.
How the hell did I manage to make you leave? When the only person I've needed more than anything, was you. I added silently.

"Uh, through the door?" He joked and laughed slightly, embarrassed. I was being stupid.

I wished I could joke around, try and lighten the mood, but my confidence and bright mood from earlier had dissapeard completely.

It is so easy to feel, feel so much to the point where you just dont want to feel anything.

Every time I try to persevere, to thrive in spite of all my flaws and faults and issues and all the concerns a 16 year old shoudint have, every time I try to overcome all of that, I end up getting knocked out, I end up in the dark right back where I started.

This never ending cycle of madness was pissing me off.

How was I supposed to truly live my life with all the voodoo crap going on?

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