Epilogue I

11 1 0

15 years later
Juniper POV

Juniper POV

"Mommy? Why are you crying?" I heard a tiny familiar voice say.

I looked down from the tree I was perched in to see my little boy looking up at me, with a blanket wrapped around him and the Batman onesie I bought him, his blue eyes seeming to glow in the dark.

I quickly wiped my tears away as best as I could and sniffled.
"Baby, you shoudint be up at this hour." I said and he frowned.

"On my way back from the bathroom, I checked your room and I only saw dad. I figured you would be here."  Henry told me and I smiled weakly at him.

"Why dont you come up here honey?" I asked and he wasted no time in climbing up towards me, doing so with ease. He was always quite the adventurer, Tyler say's he got that from me and he is not wrong.

When he was within reach, he extended his small arms towards me and I grabbed him, pulling him up towards me. I sat him on my lap, his head on my chest and his feet on my stomach and slightly dangling off the branch.

"Besides your father, I think your the second male who know's me as well as I know myself." I cooed in his ear and he let out an adorable giggle as I wrapped my arms around his tiny frame.

"Why do like it here so much momma?" He asked me suddenly.

"Well, when me and daddy were house shopping, we came across this one and I instantly loved it. I knew it would be the perfect place for you and daddy and me. I remember the day we came to see it. I had just found out I was pregnant with you, and while daddy talked with the man who sold it to us, I had the urge to climb this tree because I wanted to see the view from up here. So I did just that. " I explained.

"I bet daddy didn't like that." My little Henry said and I laughed.

"He didn't. But I didn't care. The view was worth it. Plus, you're father forgets I'm a pro at climbing and I'm the boss of not listening to him and doing whatever I want." I said as I lightly tickled him and he laughed. I swear to you, there is no better sound then hearing my baby boy laugh.

"Momma aren't you cold? You can have my blanket if you want." He said to me after a moment and I shook my head and kissed his hair.

"It's alright honey, mommy's fine." I gently told him.

"Then why are you crying? I don't like to see you cry mommy. It hurts me to see you hurt." My little boy told me as he turned in my arms to face me and placed his tiny hand on my cheek as more tears came out of my eyes.

As I tyed the blanket around his neck lightly, making it like a superhero cape so woudint let it fall I let out a little hiccup, hating that I coudint even keep it together infront of my own son.

"It's complicated baby." I managed to tell him as I looked at the view before us. I've always loved how quiet and tranquil the country was, that's why I told Tyler I wanted to buy a house here. And we found the perfect one. A two story marble house with more glass windows than you could count, on top of a hill overlooking the whole entire city with plenty of vegetation around. Despite Tyler's protests, we used some of the money my father left me to pay for the house and everything that came with it.

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