Never Alone

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At first, I didn't know if I was dreaming or if I was awake.

I always wonder the same thing, thats how livid my nightmares are.

It was freezing cold as I walked down the deserted hallway of the mental hospital. There was know one in sight, no nurses, no patients, nada. All the rooms were open but nobody was in them. And it was raining, thunder was heard outside.

I paced around for what seemed like hours, jumping at the slightest sounds. My footsteps seemed to echo around me, bringing no sense of comfort.

Then, all of the hallway lights exploded due to a lightning bolt that landed right infront of me. I screamed as I crouched and shielded myself. I tentatively raised my head and saw a bunch of bright particles fall to the ground, no doubt from the broken lights. I felt something in my hands and found the lighter that Juni had given me when I broke into my father's house.

'I'm scared' I heard someone say and that someone ran beside me, making me jerk my head in there direction.

"Hello?" I tentatively called out and raised the lighters tiny flame. Doing so, I saw a shadow of a boy on the wall but there was no one around. I took a left as I continued to shiver.

Then, a cloaked figure appeared in front of me. This time, her cloak was bloody red, her blonde hair poking out. She held a lantern that gave me a sense of deja vu. As if sensing my presence, she turn towards me.

She gave me a shocked expression, as if she were suprised to see me.

"Juniper? What are you doing here?!" She almost yelled at me.

"You make it sound like I actually have a choice. Well, news flash! I don't." I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

She followed my movements and stared at my arms for a hot minute.

"What happened, the last time I saw you?" She asked.

I grimaced at just thinking about it.
"Not something I want to talk about."

She stared at me in silence for a while and then, she handed me the ancient looking lantern.
"For your troubles." She told me softly as I took it.


"Have you seen my son? Have you seen my baby boy?" She whisperd to me.

I shook my head no and I watched as her face cracked, like literally.
A line began to form on her face, as if she were a vase that was slowly breaking, shattering.

"Amy, you-your face is-" I nearly screamed, pointing a shaky finger towards her.

She put her hand on my mouth, silencing me, her expression full of fear.

"We must be quiet. We need to find Juni and Henry before its too late." She whisperd at me.

"What's going on?" I whisper shouted as we continued tip toeing down the hallway.

"He is angry." Amy said, her voice quivering.

"Why did you save me?" I blurted out.

I tugged her hand so we came to a stop. She gave me a wary look.

"Why did you help me escape?" I asked her.

She opened her mouth to answer but a small voice echoed through the hallway. "Juniper?!"

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