We Meet Again

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I was awoken bright and early by the sound of classical music coming from downstairs, making me realise that Brahms is down there.
I dragged myself out of bed, put on a night gown and tip toed down the cold, shiny steps, trying to avoid making any noise.
I stood in the shadowed doorway of the kitchen to discover Brahms standing over the stove... shirtless.
As much as I despised him at the moment, my eyes trailed all over his body. He was quite fit for a man who spent most of his life behind walls. I can't imagine what it must have been like to have been kept away like a dirty secret.
After a few minutes passed, he turned around to face me. I could see his eyes through the eye holes of the mask, looking up and down, scanning my body, as if he's an animal hunting down his prey.
"I hope you like pancakes" he encouraged.
"They are my favourite!" I said reluctantly.

In all honesty, I'm not sure if I was excited about the pancakes, or the fact that he was shirtless. Get your mind out of the gutter Greta... I can't forget that this man has murdered, and if you send him over the edge, you could be his next victim.

He took his mask off and we began to eat. Suddenly, I heard him whimper "I'm sorry". At least he was trying to make an effort to make the current situation less uncomfortable.

"I'll get out of your way now." he demanded.
I didn't see him for the duration of the day. Whilst he was gone, I took this as a great opportunity to organise his books. They looked very old and very much read.
I organised them into several different categories. Action, Adventure, Mystery, Horror and Classics.

Occasionally, I would hear bangs coming from the inside of the walls, making me smirk.

The thought of Brahms banging his head on possibly one of the metal pipes is just too funny.
I continued with some basic house chores, such as cleaning, until I was interrupted by a knock at the door.
Who could that be? This house is located in the middle of nowhere.

I was nervous for the person who was about to enter Brahms' territory, as if they make one wrong move, they may not walk out of this house... alive.

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