Going To America

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I woke up to the sound of pitter patter on the windows, as the droplets of rain scurried down against the window.
Today is the day I have been longing for. I will finally receive the chance to see my family.
So many questions are constantly circling my mind. How will Brahms cope on his own? Will he survive? Is he still going to let me go, at least for now? I'm still unsure as to why I am so concerned about him. All of his worries are somehow mine. We have become one. I'm like his missing puzzle piece. He's complete. It's like his darkness has been lifted with some sort of light.
I finally stumbled out of bed and over to my wardrobe to choose an outfit.
I stared back and forth at my suitcase and the tall staircase. How am I supposed to hoard this great thing down there? Am I on a death wish?
I think I know what I need to do.
"Brahms!" I called.
It only took a matter of seconds until he arrived in my room.
"Yes Greta?" He replied, whilst panting out of breath.
I was still unsure whether to trust him after last nights events.
His brute strength in his large slender hand, slamming the phone down. Cutting the phone lines. In all honesty, I don't blame him after the way Malcolm acted towards him a couple of days ago. Anything can trigger Brahms. He's a force to be reckoned with. Somehow, others' stupid actions make me more vulnerable to him, but not in a bad way. I almost feel like what's his is mine and vice versa.
"Could you help me take my suitcase downstairs?" I asked politely.
Without a single word, using minimal power, he picked it up straight away as if it were as light as a feather and hauled it downstairs.
As soon as he had reached the downstairs on safe ground, I shouted,
He nodded slightly and motioned for me to come into the kitchen, almost like a warm welcome.
I quickly walked down the stairs, only to come into line with Brahms' chest. His height still made me nervous. I moved my eyes, so they were in contact with his. His mask was removed. There was something so sensual  filling my body. His hands moved lower down my body, until finally reaching my thighs. He picked me up, with my legs straddled around his waist, and my delicate hands around his bony neck. He didn't take his eyes off of my body, searching it, up and down. He carried me all the way to the kitchen, and set me down on a chair nearby.
He handed me a tray. On that tray, there was a peanut and jelly sandwich, along with a glass of orange juice.
"Thankyou Brahms." I replied.
He nodded.
I ate in silence for the duration of breakfast, as I was reliving the moments that had just happened.

What was that all about? Was it a goodbye gesture? I don't like him like that. I can't can I?
It was now time. My taxi was going to arrive at any given moment.
I paced towards the door, and saw the taxi waiting outside. The taxi driver lifted my suitcase and placed it into the back of the taxi.
As I turned around Brahms was behind me. His eyes were filled with sadness and despair. I walked up to him and placed my head into his chest, and wrapped my short arms around him.
" I'll be back in no time" I reassured.
His grip was becoming tighter, not restricting my breathing, but just enough to keep me from going anywhere.
I was in complete awe. Brahms' finally released his grip and let me go out of the door.
After that, he disappeared into the walls, to his 'safe place'.

My taxi finally arrived at the airport, and I was boarding the plane.
I sat at the window seat, so I could get a perfect view. I must not have realised, but I shed a tear. Why? Why am I crying?
I should be happy. I'm visiting my family!
Like any normal person in my current situation, they would take this chance to run and get away or at least call for help. But not me.
Brahms. I'm crying over him. That man-child who doesn't know how to act his age.
The man who is keeping me prisoner in his mansion. The man who thinks I'm his property.
The man who... loves me. Love. How? No this can't be true..
He's lost in this world; he needs help. He's mentally unstable, unpredictable, and could be sent over the edge by anything. His temper can be lost very easily. I am his stability. I can control him.
He once told me that he will never hurt me. I am finally starting to believe those very words.

The plane landed safely. I was in America, ready to see my family.. finally!
I rented a car and drove to their house, which took about 2 hours to get to from the airport.
It felt strange. Strange to see normal people, not wearing a mask, and not hiding their identity like Brahms does. He seems so mysterious, and I'm curious.

*You see your family and invite them over to the house for Christmas*

I'm so nervous. Why am I having second thoughts of inviting the family over for Christmas? Brahms can't even cope with me leaving for a week, never mind being around people he doesn't even know. Will he even know how to act? Or will he go crazy again? Maybe even kill. Like he did to Cole?
Maybe I didn't think this through, but who knows, it could either turn out like a great idea, or a really stupid mistake.

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