The Fight

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You watch in terror as the two males punch and tackle each other to the ground.

The impact from Brahms sends the knife out of Alfred's hand (Alfred is Cole's father).
Brahms is on top of him now, slamming his head onto the ground in an attempt to knock him unconscious.

He holds one hand on his neck and uses the other to grab the fire poker. He begins to hit him repeatedly, whilst Alfred covers his face with his hands.

In an attempt to put an end to this, I lean forward, trying to grab the knife to cut myself free. I lodge it into one hand and begin moving the knife back and forth, cutting the rope.

Alfred is on top of Brahms now, beginning to choke him. Brahms struggles for air.

After freeing myself, I grab the fire poker on the ground nearby and swing it around Alfred's skull.
His head droops and Brahms pushes him off.

You both pant out of breath and in terror, fearing something that could have been a lot worse.

"I've killed him.." I declared.
My hands begin to shake uncontrollably and I begin to hyperventilate. Brahms grabs the fire poker out of my hand as you both fall to the ground.

You hug for what seems like hours, as your both frozen in time.
Eventually, Brahms kneels to Alfred's lifeless body on the floor and puts his ear against his mouth.

"He's not breathing" he spoke.

I push Brahms aside, causing him to fall to the floor as I begin to perform CPR.

"I am not going down for this, I am not going down for this.." I repeat as I thump his chest with my fists, in an attempt to revive him.

He's gone. I have murdered a man.

"Go back to the house" Brahms demands.
He doesn't allow me to speak, he knows how I'm feeling.
I comply and begin to walk back towards the house, navigating the way, whilst Brahms drags the body and car and dumps it even deeper into the woods.

It's not long before he's caught up to me, and wraps his slender arm around my shoulder. Silence fills the space between us. Nothing but our heavy breaths and each other's presence lingers. We walk in silence until finally reaching the house and stepping inside.

To be continued..

~Sorry for the short chapter but I thought I'd treat you guys to 2 chapters, as I haven't updated in a while. Comment how you feel on this turning point within the book. Happy reading!~

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