Chapter 10

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I sat on the floor clutching my knees to my chest while I stared the tree inside my cage. Hours had gone, leaving me alone with my panicked thoughts.  My heart was racing and no matter how many places my mind went to, no solution came to the surface.  I was trapped.  My oxygen dependency made me completely powerless, not to mention my complete lack of familiarity with everything.  The right opportunity needed to present itself...I just didn't know what it was.

I wonder what Xan had done when he realized I was gone.  I'm sure he chalked it up to luck.  My existence was only complicating his life.  Surely there was no need to figure out where I was.  I'm sure he viewed me no different than these beings; a little inferior alien.  I was more work that it was worth for him at least if he wasn't planning on selling me.  Maybe he was going to, who knew.  Only one thing was clear now; I was on my own.

The ship began to slow down and I could only assume we were starting to reach our destination. Footsteps neared and then Deek's ugly face came into sight outside my case. I stood up and scowled at him.

"Don't give me that face," he snickered.  "It's just business."

I put on a more pleasant face.  "You are just a truly incredible piece of space garbage," I said sweetly, knowing he had no idea what I was saying.

He chuckled.  "Now don't try to sweet talk me, you're worth more to me in money than a playmate."

I tried not to show the disgust on my face, but it burned so deeply inside.  He was a pig.

"I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole unless I was cracking you across the head with it," I cooed and he just smiled.  He really was dumb enough to think I'd be saying nice things.

"The best I can offer you is this," he said, holding out a black bag.  He reached inside and pulled out a slim, clear mask, just like the one Xan had given me on his ship.  Deek was preparing to take me off the ship.  

Showing nothing outside, I felt a glimmer of hope as my eyes rested on the mask.  An opportunity had presented itself.

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