Chapter 37 High and Dry

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My eyes scanned the sky above, clearly displayed in the crystal dome of Commander Lark's office. It was the top of the GIU facility and he reigned like a king with an aerial view of Tor 17 below him.

Only one person reigned higher and that was Grand Master Yulis, the ruler of Tor 17. Though soon even that role would be filled by Lark as his rise continued.

"Admiring the view?" He asked me with a spark in his eye.

I shrugged. "You can see everything from up here," I replied.

"More like control everything from up here," Neron scoffed next to me.

Lark rolled his eyes. "It really is a shame Neron, that you waste your talents in this commitment to your Outlier lifestyle."

Lark stepped passed the two of us, looking down on his empire.

"It's not off the table," he said with his back to us. "Soon I will be replacing Grand Master Yulis and Xan will be taking over my position here as the Commander of the GIU.  We could use someone with your skills here, Neron."

Disdain painted Neron's face as he opened his mouth to protest, but Lark quickly cut him off.

"You've already earned yourself a clean record.  I'm sure Xan would want you apart of the legacy he is about to build here with my daughter."

I felt the pit in my stomach grow every time he reminded me of the match.  It felt like the walls were closing in on me slowly with every breath about it. 

"And Being 23," Lark added with a side turn and a smirk.  "Her abilities would be treasured here.  She would make an excellent addition to the GIU and I could make sure she never left your side."

Neron's eyes lit with red, fuming in a silent rage at the mention of Trish. I didn't blame him. I wouldn't trust them to let Trish simply maintain her freedom unless she did everything she was told and that simply wasn't in her nature. It would strip her of every ounce of individuality she had and Neron would never allow that. That's what he loved about her.

"I would never trust you monsters with her again," he seethed.

Lark was unfazed.  "There may come a time when you don't have a choice," he answered darkly. "It would be better to return on your own accord."

The red radiated over Neron's body. "Is that a threat, Lark?" He growled.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, urging him to calm. This is what Lark did; he pushed you to your limits to force you to either control yourself or face the consequences. Neron usually faced the consequences.

"Of course not, Neron," he chuckled calmly, returning his back to us. "One has to be prepared for all possible outcomes though. You should take some time to think about that."

Neron remained silent, the color dissipating from his eyes as he tried to control himself.

"Why did you call us here, Commander?" I asked to change the topic.  It wouldn't be hard to get Neron to snap at this rate and that wasn't something I was looking to witness.

Lark continued to stare out across the empire, the shimmering lights of the floating skyscrapers were distinct in the morning horizon as the red sun crept slowly into the sky.

"What you two did, catching the fugitive," he paused for a moment as if searching for his words. "It was an immense step. However, there are still great concerns the empire has."

My eyes met with Neron's. We were very much aware of what he was alluding to.

"Phoenix Rize is still active and we still suspect an attack.  I fear it could be of the magnitude of the fate the Ancient Planet met."

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