Chapter 32

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"You're Raeland? You've been a Torian all this time?" I accused.

That infuriating smug smile painted his face.

"Don't be so surprised, Aeris.  It's cute really, all the advances you humans were making. You really were on the right track, but you're so slow. You didn't start really making advancements until I arrived."

I gritted my teeth in an effort to keep quiet. I wished I could remember more so I could tell him how useless he was, but I had nothing to back up the claim.

"So what then? You parade around Earth like some hot shot because all you are here is some petty chem dealer?" I sneered.

He laughed an evil cackle. "Come on, Aeris, you know better than that. We worked together very closely. Is that all you think I'm doing?"

I remained silent, trying to replay the memory in my head. All I knew was that he was an extremely skilled Bio-Programmer, why would he just simply be a dealer here? He was too talented. Something didn't add up.

He crossed his arms and looked at me curiously. "You don't actually remember," he asserted in amusement.

"Then why don't you fill in the gaps, Tobias," I growled feeling the heat rise, but unsure if it was an episode or just seething rage.

"It's not time for you to know the truth," he hissed. "You're... incomplete."

Incomplete?! What did that mean? I remembered the lab and the bright light glaring in my eyes. Did he... do something to me?

"I honestly didn't think you would survive. Imagine my surprise to find out you didn't perish on Earth," he continued. "I thought you would be another failed experiment."

Another failed experiment? There were others?

He looked down at me with a cold grimace. "I still think you are," he huffed. "You're sickly; barely withstanding any of it. I'd be surprised if you make it through the final stages."

The final stages; those words struck terror in my heart.  What was happening to me?  What was going to happen to me? My pulse was racing like I was in a nightmare that I just couldn't wake up from.

"What did you do to me?" I hissed. "What are the final stages?"

He chuckled. "You'll see... or maybe you won't. All in due time, my dear."

My hands started to shake. What was he planning?

"What are you going to do?" I asked meekly.

An evil smirk painted his face. "I'll tell you this, Aeris," he said nodding over to Xan and Neron. "I'm sure your little GIU buddies told you I deal chems to Phoenix Rize that's why you were looking for me, right?"

I just stared at him coldly, refusing to validate him.

"You thought if you could track down the origins of X147 you could figure out what happened to you and your precious planet, didn't you?"

I remained silent. How did he know all of this?

"You know why they found that info? It's because I allowed them to. Because in reality, I am not just peddling chems to Phoenix Rize, sweet heart. I am Phoenix Rize."

He said it with such pride, boasting about being apart of an organization that held no ethical restraints.

"You're just another mad scientist," I scoffed.

With rage in his eyes, he swiftly slapped me across the face and I fell to the side, feeling the sting where he struck.

"Don't speak about what you don't know, Aeris!"  He yelled.  "We are pure scientists! How do you think the Galactic Elders actually left Earth? The origins of Phoenix Rize date back as early as those beginning moments.  Humans can't just live outside of Earth.  They need to be modified," he informed taking a step back and looking at me darkly.  "As will you."

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